
6 2 0

Tears flowing down,

taking the chemicals,

not the pain.

Is it the sign of weakness?

Is it the sign of being childish?

Is it the sign of being coward?

Is it the sign of anxiety?

Why cannot they,

see it?

Why cannot they,

see my fake smile?

Why do they believe

my non-existent lies?

Why do they not hear

my weeping soul?

When you are a kid,

they say,

don't cry at silly things.

When you are grown-up,

they say,

why are you crying like a kid?

Why do they try to bury it?

I stand here in

my own rain


nobody stops me,

nobody consoles me,

nobody lectures me,

nobody cares me.

It's my

own little cave,


tears are not scared of

hypocrite society.


tears are not

sign of weakness.


tears are

free flow of emotions.


tears are not hiding in smile.


tears are only

expression of pain.


my voice can weep

with my eyes too.

Heart feels


shoulders slouched,

lungs relaxed,

soul filling

with nothingness.

Loud sobbing has stopped.

Shutting the shower off,

wrappping my lean body

into thin piece of cloth,

gathering up all

my emotional strength

for yet another fight

at battlefield,

fought through

emotional than physical.

Needing the emotional stamina,

more than physical strength,

I step out of

my shower.

With only thought of



I am emotionally strong.

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