Teach me.

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Teach  me,

how   to  live  with, only,

your  memories.

Teach  me;

How  to  break  the  dream  of  us,

walking  down  the  unknown  future?

How  to  tolerate  this  emotional  distance,

you  have  dawned  upon  us?

How  to  pass  this  storm, 

you  have  gifted  me  with?

How  to  bear  the  absence  of ,

our  non-existent  love?

How  to  co-operate  with  the  dull   ache,

surrounding  my  heart?

Teach me,

how to live with, only,

your memories.

Teach me;

How  did  you  understand

my  monologue  words?

How  did  you  listen  to,

my  void  talks?

How  did  you  manage  to  hear,

those, unsaid  meaningless  sentences?

How  did  you  hear  all  the  unspoken  words, 

through  my  one-word  replies?

How  did  you  make  me  love  the  reality,

being  in  a dream?

Teach me,

how to live with, only,

your memories.

Teach me;

How  did  you  habituate  me  of

your  emotional  presence?

How  do  I  tone  down  the  silence,

spread  through  your  absence?

How  do  I  tell  this  stupid  heart;

not  every  story  needs  a,

"happy  ending."

Teach me,

how to live with, only,

your memories.

Hello  to  everyone  who  has  been  reading  my  poems  and  also  voting. Thank  you  for  taking  some  time  to  read  my  work, your  time  is  appreciated. If  you  do  like  my  poems  please  do  recommend  or  share  it  with  your  friends  so  that  I  can  actually  know  that  my  work  is  worth  it  and  is  being  appreciated, and  I  get  my  encouragement  to  move  forward  and  write as  many  poems  as  I  can  in  future. Also  once  again  thank  you  for  recognizing  my  work  and  taking  time  to  read  it  in  your  busy  schedule.

Thank you.

Take  care  of  your self.

Prioritize  your self.

Love  your self.

And  spread  love  as  much  as  you  can.

This  is  me,  wild_heartbeats  signing  off, for  now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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