A Meeting With Oz: Garn

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The elevator doors open atop Beacon tower. In steps Garn with his arms at his side. He approaches the central desk while keeping an eye on Ozpin sitting across the desk. Ozpin looks up and sees Garn stop just shy of the seats.

Ozpin: Greetings, Mr. Morse. I am aware of your current situation. I choose to respect your choice of taking no verbal action. In which case, it you will, I have a series of yes or no questions for you. Do you accept this?

Garn nods and takes a seat across the desk.

Ozpin: Huntsmen are seen as heroes to the people, correct?

Garn nods in agreement.

Ozpin: Is that what you wish to be? A hero?

Garn shakes his head no.

Ozpin: Then what is it you seek here? Is it simply to fight?

Garn doesn't move. He looks Ozpin right in the eye and leans forward in his seat.

Garn: For a long time now i've been unable to defend myself and my sister from people in our lives. It is our mission to train and overthrow them. My goal is not just that. I want to dominate and conquer my opponents. Silence them for silencing me all these years. Someday, sir, I will. I hold my tongue for now, but there will be a day when my voice returns to the public and when that day comes I will feel confident in myself once more. When that day comes I hope to have the strength to beat them.

Garn sits back in his chair and nods his head at Ozpin who is taken back by all this. Ozpin stands up from his seat without a word and faces the window over looking the school.

Ozpin: You and Lucy are driven towards revenge or self redemption. I can't discern the two from one another, but what's clear is that you both are capable fighters and intelligent. It also clear that you two need one another. I'll accept you both into my school.

Garn stands up and bows to Ozpin. Garn makes his way to the elevator but stops before hitting the button. Garn turns back to Ozpin.

Garn: I haven't spoken in some time, sir. I only talk to Lucy on rare occasions. Something about you put me at ease. Made me feel safe. I look forward to training here and with your guidance I hope my voice returns sooner rather than later

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