V1 CH7: No Remorse

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Its been a week since TGLE has formed. Turq leading the charge nicely and keeping Emma attentive in classes. Turq had done a bit of studying prior to Beacon so most classes have been a breeze thus far for him.

Alongside the normal classes, Lucy has kept up the sign language tutoring for Turq and Emma, but Onyx drops in every now and then to pick up some basics.

One morning, Lucy awakens earlier than everyone else however. No sunlight coming in through the windows.

She climbs out of bed, grabs her weaponry off the wall and heads to the training room alone. She even takes the time to put on her armor before practice. Swinging through the air, lifting up her shield as fast as she can, rolling out of danger.

Lucy keeps this up until her breaths become short and rapid. She places her weapons down and takes a seat on the bench.

"Like clockwork, Ms. Morse."

Lucy jolts her gaze to the doorway to see Ozpin standing there and she loosens up. "Do you always have coffee on you?" She asks him. Ozpins gives a small laugh as he sips from his mug and walks into the room.

"A delightful beverage. Being headmaster has its perks, but its also quite tiresome. Something i'm yet to see of you. How is it you never tire?" Ozpin sets his mug down and adjusts his glasses as they were slipping down his nose.

"I do get tired, sir." Lucy unstraps the chest piece of her armor and pulls it off. Still taking time to gather her breath. "I'm just making sure it takes a long while before that happens."

"Of course." Ozpin stands up from the bench with the help of his cane. "Usually I don't permit students training alone or in the early hours of the morning. But you, Ms. Morse, it seems I wouldn't be able to stop if I tried."

"Are you telling me to stop anyways?"

"Training is important. I can't deny that. Why would I, but rest is also important. You sleep four hours of the night, Lucy. Most of combat is done mentally rather than physically. We rely off our instincts and our instincts become impaired when fatigued. Do you understand what i'm saying?" Ozpin picks his coffee mug back up while Lucy thinks to herself, but she's only pretending she doesn't understand. She waits a moment before answering the question.

"I do, sir."

A couple hours later, Lucy and Emma are heading into the sparring room when Lucy spots a man down the hall wearing a black and dark purplish suit staring out a window viewing the school courtyard. "Emma, get Ozpin." Lucy says with a bit of anger to her voice.

"Why, who is it?" Emma looks down the hall, but doesn't spot anyone looking criminal or evil. Lucy grips the pommel of her gladius tight enough for her hands to turn a pale white. "Please, Emma." Lucy says one last time before approaching the man.

Emma turns the other way to find Ozpin on her own. Lucy spins the man around to look into his purple colored eyes. The man smiles and says "Lucy, daughter, it's been a while. How's Garn?"

"Why are you here?" She asks while still gripping her weapon. "Atlas is far north of here or did you finally forget them too?"

"Please." He says. "I have yet to forget a single child of mine." He grows a smirk across his face with the last statement.

"Except for the two children that are legally yours." Lucy keeps her eyes locked onto her father's. "Let me guess. Darla is here somewhere too, isn't she?"

Her father rolls his eyes and turns back around to face the courtyard again. "Of course she is. I don't know why you insist on hating her. She's more of a mother than your birth giver was."

Those words ignited a spark in Lucy as she begins to raise her voice. "My mother died giving birth to me and Garn! She never had a chance to be a mother and you just toss her name in the mud like she meant nothing!"

"Because she was nothing." He says. Lucy pulls her weapon off her belt and ready to strike, but Ozpin intervenes just in time. "Mr. Morse." Ozpin approaches the situation with caution. Ian turns to the headmaster unamused. Paying no mind to Lucy's drawn weapon. "Shouldn't you be in Atlas teaching a new generation of huntsmen or do you prefer to torture your own children with your presence?"

Lucy puts her weapon away and steps back. Ian laughs and shakes his head. "I was merely here to visit my children and congratulate them on making it into a fine academy. My daughter here is just caught up in past mistakes."

"Right." Ozpin steps up to Ian's face. "Then lets not bother Garn in the middle of his studies. You'll be leaving now."

Ian looks to Lucy one last time. "Tell Garn I said hello." And he follows Ozpin off campus. Lucy looks out the window hoping to spot the red and gold colors of Darla's attire, but nothing stands out.

"What was all that about?" Emma asks while slowly stepping up to Lucy's side.

"A useless person in my life still trying to make a difference in all the wrong meaningless ways." Lucy lets go of her weapon and runs her fingers through her hair. "In other words, the world's worst father just left Beacon."

Emma nods her head in shock. Lucy never talks about family except for Garn, now Emma gets why. There's a lot of tension between them.

"We can always egg his car before he leaves. Just call Turq to distract Ozpin?" Emma whips out her scroll from her pockets.

Lucy smiles and shakes her head no. "Nah. Just me being at Beacon is more painful to him than anything else." Lucy and Emma begin walking back to class together. "If I had gone to Atlas he would have more control over me and Garn. That's not a life Garn and I want. Its our father's fault Garn doesn't speak to begin with."

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