V4 CH11: There Will Be Blood

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Beryl's flame extinguish from her body and she turns towards the others. Darla raises an eyebrow confused by Beryl's sudden power down. Beryl steps up to Lucy and looks her in the eye. "I want this fight to be my own."

Lucy looks to Turq and then Garn. Both of them unsure of what to say or do. "You want us to sit out? Wouldn't it be easier to take her with everyone going at once?"

Beryl sighs. "It would. Think about it this way. She's used to taking on multiple fighters at once. She came here alone to kill us all. Let me have this."

"I'll allow it." Turq says to interrupt the conversation. "We need to buy as much time as possible for Raina to return. A series of one on one duels is in out best interest. We can endlessly loop our battles until then. In theory that is."

Darla rolls her eyes hearing all this. "If you really want to fight me one on one then you are all far stupider than I imagined. Also, Raina left?" Darla shrugs. "I suppose I can't hold back then. I'll let Beacon discover your lifeless bodies. All you'll be remembered for is that you died fighting." Darla opens the door and exits the building.

Beryl whispers "thank you" to Turq and follows Darla outside into the night. The broken moon reflecting a bright light over Mt. Glenn.

Darla stops in the streets and slowly turns back to look at Beryl. Not a shred of fear in Beryl's eyes. No twitching movements, nothing to show hesitation. Darla twirls her sickles and some of the loose blood splatters into the street between the fighters.

Beryl's body begins to light on fire again seeing the blood spots. "He believed you held great ideals." Beryl says quietly. "He trusted that this place would thrive. How blinding faith can be." Beryl's warpick ignites into the dark purple flames that also surround her body.

Darla cracks her neck and shakes her limbs loose. "Chrys was only a pawn. Born to be sacrificed." Darla smiles at the end taunting Beryl to start the fight. She slams her warpick down and eruptions of rock and purple flames split upwards in a straight line towards Darla.

Just in time to escape a smoldering impact Darla manages to dodge to the side and miss the pillar of flames striking her. Darla's mood hardened seeing the first move made by Beryl was a hard hitting one.

"No games! Come and face me!" Beryl yells as she overlooks her row of jagged rocks with their purple flames slowly dying out. Darla glares towards Beryl and her golden sickles begin to hum with a yellow light emitting off the outer blades.

Darla runs up the rocks and spots Beryl having not moved an inch since sending the rocks. Darla jumps off the top of the rocks and arcs her sickles across her body. Bolts of lightning shoot out from the sickles towards Beryl.

At this time the spectators were just exiting the building. Sid being the first to see the bolts of lightning hit his daughter in the chest. She didn't move and to him; it looked as if she accepted the strikes.

Beryl is blown back several feet and knocked onto her back as Darla lands on her feet. The flames around her die out as she lies stunned in the street. "That it?" Beryl weakly laughs off the pain as she slowly rolls over. "No wonder Ian was calling the shots."

Darla squints her eyes at Beryl not amused by the comments. "I was simply planning to break your aura and save the torture for later. Fine. Let there be blood." Darla walks over to Beryl pushing herself up to her knees. Darla slashes a sickle across Beryl's back and knocks her back down her knees. "Maybe..." Darla grows another grinning smile as she turns to Sid. "Maybe your daughter is just eager to die. Her will to live already stripped."

"Not...even close." Beryl spins around off her knees and connects her warpick into Darla's stomach. As the warpick makes impact a gust of wind shoots off the weapon and Darla is sent back to the jagged rocks with a loud smack. The impact causes the rocks to crack around Darla and she slides down to the ground.

Still holding her sickles; Darla groans from the pain and gets to her feet somewhat impressed. Darla grits her teeth and runs forward. Beryl gets to her feet again in time to block one strike from Darla, but not fast enough to stop the second strike.

The purple aura flashes around Beryl and they keep swinging at one another. Despite her defenses falling, Beryl keeps up her offensive pressure against Darla. With another quick swing across the chest from Darla the aura that once protected Beryl shatters with a piercing sting.

Beryl stumbles backwards and drops her warpick onto the ground. Her body shaking as a pool of blood soaks through her clothes. Beryl grabs at the handle of the sickle turned dagger sticking out of her ribs. Her skin instantly turns to a sick pale and she falls to a knee with heavy eyes.

"Beryl!" Sid yells as he runs for his daughter. Darla snaps her attention towards him and she backs away quickly from Beryl. "Beryl.." Sid kneels beside her and wraps his arm around her. "I should have stepped in sooner. I'm so sorry." Sid's pleads to Beryl as his body begins to nervously shake the more he sees his daughter badly wounded.

Despite the pain and blood Beryl looks up to her father with a painful smile. "I still got you, dad." Beryl's eyes begin to close and she collapses into her father's arms. He picks her up and turns to Garn with a seriousness in his emotions all of a sudden. "Get Beryl out of here. Now."

The conviction in his voice alone sent a chill down Garn's spine. To be put in charge once again of someone else's life. Garn steps up and takes Beryl out of Sid's arms.

Darla glares at the transaction being made. "My dagger, please." She insists and holds out her free hand. Sid and Garn exchange as Sid turns his attention back to Darla. "Come pry it from her body." Sid reaches into his pockets and slips on his knuckles for both hands. He raises his fist up and bumps the knuckles into one another.

Garn runs passed the rest of his team with Beryl is in his arms. The sound of combat echoing in all their ears behind them. Could Sid really hope to stand against Darla? She did a strong blow to the gut already from Beryl and she does have one less weapon.

Despite the conflicting ideals within them all they fled and found shelter once more. Tending to Beryl's needs the best they can. Stopping the bleeding, but with no medical experience they leave the dagger inside Beryl's ribs.

As the four members of tgle go their own ways to find rest within their temporary home it's not long before Darla arrives within the confines of the shelter. With everyone asleep except for Garn, Darla reaches through the shadows of the wall and pulls Garn her way. Falling through the shadows Garn stumbles onto the ground outside with Darla a few feet away.

She looks tired, slightly exhausted, but ready to fight. "One more." She tells herself. "Then I can kill your three friends in their sleep and let Beryl slowly bleed out until her death."

Garn readies his gauntlets and glares down Darla. "You wont get the chance."

Darla keeps her glare and bites down on her teeth. "How you dare speak to me. Have you forgotten who silenced you? Shall I remind you?"

Garn inches towards Darla with small steps. "Oh, I remember." He says and stops his tracks. "You threatened my sister's life. Now, i'm going to threaten yours."

Garn's fists glow a bright garnet red that glow off Darla's red eyes. Her glare lessens seeing the fists glow. For a single instance Darla felt a shimmer of panic enter her mind.

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