V3 CH12: Farewell To Atlas Part 1

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The festivities come to a close. The Vytal Festival, Tournament, and Ball have come and gone. Teams Teagle and Opal find their stay at Atlas Academy as an opportunity that wont be forgotten.

Turq shuts the lid of his last suitcase and peers at the two white knight chess pieces sitting on the edge of the window. He picks one up and takes a seat on the bunk bed. Closely admiring the white knight

The sliding doors to the dorm open up and Lucy walks in quietly. She spots Turq in his trance and she smiles. "I'm glad you brought those." She says.

"Feels forever ago, doesn't it? Only half a year." Turq responds and holds out the piece to Lucy. She takes it and joins him on the bed. Taking her turn at the staring contest.

"What I remember" she begins "was Professor Ozpin bringing the second piece to us later that night." Lucy holds the piece up to her eyes. "How he congratulated the three of you for putting my life above the mission."

Turq nods as he recalls the moment. "I remember you thanking me as you passed out from blood loss. Made me feel like I was making the best choice possible."

"Yea.." Lucy sighs and lowers the knight piece back down into her lap. "I had a terrible initiation. How'd I even get in?" She laughs and shakes her head.

Turq places a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "From what I hear. You killed at least a dozen grimm to reach that Relic Room. That alone is noteworthy." Turq stands up and helps Lucy to her feet as well. They hug each other in silence. Swaying in each others embrace. Enjoying a simple moment of silence together.

Outside the academy Garn tosses his luggage into the back of a transport vehicle. Emma lightly tosses her bags into the back. "Why are we getting on a land vehicle?" Emma complains. "Are we going to drive off Atlas and use our landing strategies to reach Mantle safely?" Emma complains and crosses her arms as she leans against the vehicle feeling a great amount of unease.

"We can." Garn shrugs his shoulders not paying much thought to Emma's behavior. "Students do it all the time. Saves on money getting down." Garn tosses in the last of his bags and dusts his hands.

Emma shakes her head with an eye roll. "I...I don't want to go back." She steps up to Garn and her face slowly turns red along with her eyes. Emma stares into Garn's red eyes. "I found something here. I don't want to leave her.." She trails her voice as it cracks towards the end and she looks away from Garn.

Garn pulls Emma into a tight hug with no second thought. "I know, Emma." He says while rubbing her back. She starts crying against his chest but he doesn't mind it at all. "Jacinta Grace." He says. "She has a comforting presence that I oddly enjoyed last night. I'd like to not leave her behind as well, but we have our own paths and problems. After today she wont be here in Atlas anymore. Neither will Skye."

Emma pulls away from the hug. "Then we transfer to Haven." Emma begs through her tears. "Jacinta and Skye both live in Mistral. Turq and Lucy wont be leaving anyone behind. They have each other. Please, Garn." She begs with her falling tears and her hands clasped together. "Side with me on this."

Turq and Lucy step down from the academy with their bags and meet the other two at the vehicle. Emma turns to Turq and Lucy and wipes her eyes. "Haven Academy." She says quietly. "I want to transfer."

Turq and Lucy glance at each other and back to the grief stricken Emma. "Ozpin would have to clear us." Turq says. "Professor Lionheart would have to approve us as well."

"Yea." Lucy joins in. "Mistral is a nice place and further from Atlas than Vale." Lucy shrugs and walks past them to the car. "I'm in for Haven." She tosses her bags into the trunk.

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