V3 CH7: Two Sides of the Same Coin

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Co-Written by Shadowsoul 12.
Sorry for the length. Got kinda carried away and had some moments here between characters. Hope its enjoyable all the same.

Moranda's voice echoes throughout the arena. "Welcome back, Remnant! I hope everyone here in the stands has enjoyed our bout of team matches, but all good things must come to an end. Ian, explain for any first time watchers what we are here for today."

Ian: We are here today to kick off the doubles round of the tournament, Moranda. All teams that won in the team round send two fighters further on to compete in a two on two brawl. There is a catch however. Only one of those two in the doubles round can move on to the champions round to claim the Vytal Tournament.

Moranda: That's right Ian. More importantly let's take another look at the two teams who will be on stage today. Team JSPR made a splash of an entry through a full team sweep without losing a single member. Atlas Academy's number one, Jade Xifang barely fought at all yet still eliminated an opponent all the same. This goes to show you that Atlas's tiger empress is not to be underestimated.

Ian: As powerful as Jade and Sakura may be. Their opponents today are Atlas born and bred from one of Atlas' top combatants in me. Lucy and Garn share in the tanky defensive strategies that can turn into single massive blows. This is a perfect display of Braun versus Speed.

Moranda: Jeez Ian, a traitor and egotistical, nice combo. Either way, I'm sure we're in for a great show today.

Thunderous cheering echoes throughout Amity Colosseum. Holographic screens replay the top highlights of yesterday's fights. Team Jasper's team sweep displayed at the end with Pyr's tank round being the last highlight.

Garn and Lucy walk up to the center platform. Making last minute adjustments to their armor in making sure everything is tight. Lucy reverse grips her gladius with her shield still on her back. Garn loads in the last of his dust vials into the forearms of his gauntlets.

Lucy turns to her brother and places a hand on his shoulder. "Signals only. No talking. That's our advantage." Garn gives a nod and a thumbs up. They turn to face their oncoming opponents.

Shrouded daylight washes over Jade and Sakura as they emerge on stage. Sakura grins and blows a couple kisses to the crowd. Jade stares with slit irises at Lucy and Garn before even coming on stage. A metallic cling can be heard with every step she makes. Her black claws fastened tightly to her hands and feet.

"Oh. We got them." Lucy sighs and shakes her head. "Which one of you is going to fall flat first? I'd like to know in advance." She says to taunt her opponents.

Sakura sticks her tongue out at them. Jade keeps a calm expression, "You seem rather confident that you'll leave this stage in victory."

"Confidence is as good as any strategy." Lucy twirls her gladius and catches it in a standard grip with a glare. "Let's see the biomes then, shall we?"

Garn gets into his fighting stance and has his fists closed ready to activate any type of dust effect off his gauntlets.

Jade stares idly at the spinning symbols. "I'm certain you must want to prove yourself in front of your father. If I must be honest, I had hoped to fight your leader. He, as well as your last member, displayed very little in your match."

Lucy mutters a light growl under her breath. Letting Jade's words get under her skin. It was more the comment about her father than her friends.

The symbols halt to a stop and the platforms behind the huntsmen lower into the ground and rise up with four biomes instead of the previous two.

A mountain range with a storm as one area rises behind Garn and Lucy. The other field next to it being the swamp fields. An ocean area rises behind Sakura and Jade along with a forest biome.

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