"Do you like her or something?", Jungkook broke my thoughts appearing out of nowhere.

"I have already cleared it out", I stated, giving a neutral expression and he chuckled.

"What? That she isn't your ideal type. Even Hoseok hyung said that before meeting Nari noona", he stated the fact and I shooed him away.

"I suppose we must practice the new choreo, I am sure the manager is not so happy with our moves", I diverted him and he nodded. We went to our block, joining the rest. 

The moves were pretty tough this time, but the good part is we still have 2 months for a comeback. We were joined in this academy as the manager and PDnim were not happy with our performance or practice. And they thought we could get more experience in the music field here. This isn't bad either.

2 years passed since we have debuted and this journey is seriously the hardest one. Idols mean all the fame and name. I laughed at myself for assuming that before joining in here. People hardly recognize us, and some don't even know if our band exists or not. But still, I will not give up. We promised to work hard and we will do it

 We started practicing again and I noticed Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung doing it wrong and Hoseok hyung yelling at them while they both frowned. Jungkook went to them and showed the move clearly to them. They practiced and did the move, very much better this time. 

As they were telling each other how to do the steps, my thoughts trailed off to that mysterious girl. The girl who just shows her eyes and why do I feel I am so into them. Her deep brown orbs are deeper than Jimin's IQ level. I saw her uncovered face during lunch, but her eyes were more intriguing.

She put some eyeliner or soot, highlighting the shape which made them even more provocative to my thoughts. 

"Taehyung ah, the song has started. Where the hell did you zone out?", I could hear Hoseok hyung yelling and I took my position immediately. But my thoughts didn't leave her. 

I wonder what she looks like completely. Is she beautiful? Does she have long hair?

"Are you okay? You have been spacing out a lot in the choreo", Jimin handed me the bottle and I drank it all in exhaustion. 

"I am fine Jimin ah", I smiled reassuring my friend and he smiled while getting up.

"Let's go to the dorm now and we must go to the studio later", Namjoon declared but I have some work to do.

"Hyung, you go ahead. I will join you guys in the studio", I excused myself.

"And why is that?", Jin hyung eyed me suspiciously and Namjoon hyung looked curious too

"I just have something important", I stated, without giving any much information and I could observe Jin hyung's piercing gaze but shrugged it off not wanting to give him any clue.

"Bye, then", I waved at them as they left.

I paced myself to the entrance of her block. I just wish she didn't leave early. I want to know why she is running in my thoughts like that. Okay, I am giving in to my curiosity now. Just knowing her wouldn't cause any harm, right?

As I was searching for her in the crowd of students, I caught her and smiled looking at her. On noticing me, she paced her steps, looking away. I chuckled at that. Do I look like some serial-killer or ghost or is she having some runaway competition?

"Come, let's go", I pulled her through the crowd and gave her a deaf ear. She was completely against the idea of being with me, I could tell that without a doubt. I halted my steps as we were out of the academy.

"What was that? Why do you have to do that?", she asked me giving an angry look.

"Could you remove that scarf for me? I want to see your face", I ask her and she stepped back.

"What's wrong with you?", she was clearly annoyed now. Well! That's not what I want. I want to just see her face. I just stepped closer to touch her scarf but she moved back. I guess this will be tough.

"Don't you dare do that?", she warned, showing me her index finger. Did she think I would be scared at her stupid move? But Taehyung, it's not even been a day, why are you behaving like this? Don't make her think of you as a creep.

"Fine, fine. I won't do it. Wanna go for a walk?", I offered her only to receive a disbelieving look.

"See Mr, I need to go home now. And I have no interest in walking with you"

"I am Taehyung by the way. And please don't lie, I caught you checking me out this afternoon", I smirked at her and she huffed in frustration. She started walking towards the subway and I followed her. I know I am being a louse but I just want to know her. That's all. Nothing much.

"What the hell do you want?", she groaned as she noticed me walking beside her.

"Let me at least walk you home", I suggested and she looked away.

"Could you let me go home in peace?", she let out an irascible sigh. I chuckled at her temper issues though it was me being the cause. One thing I noticed is her avoiding any kind of touch from me. Did she grow up like that? 

I could see a part of her pearls earrings through the little gap of the robe which made her look more feminine. And as I kept noticing her hardly visible features, I noticed her bracelet. It was antique yet aesthetic. 

"Where did you get that?", I ask her and she looked down her wrist. 

"None of your business", she scoffed as she held her wrist covering it. What's so secretive about it?

I maintained a two feet distance from her as I could watch her becoming uneasy and panicking while I was beside her. She lost the right turns at times and I chuckled while helping her. Though she hesitated to ask me the right way at first, she had to give up her adamancy and seek my help. This girl loses way very easily. She is not used to the streets at all.

"Thanks for the help. Could you please go now?", she gave a pleading look and I sighed in agreement. I don't know why she wanted me to do that even before reaching her house, I helped her after all. But, I didn't take any steps further. It's bad to break into one's comfort zone. I have already crossed my limit today.

As I noticed her walk straight, I didn't move back either. I want to know where she lives. And I smiled to myself at how she was turning back every few seconds to check if I have gone or not. As she went a bit far, I took the binoculars from my bag and looked through the lens to watch her. 

That was a community block, a Muslim one. I could see many women in black clothing and finally I got a glimpse of her reaching out to a building.


A smile crept on my face as I mumbled her name.


Okay!! Who would ignore this handsome guy over here?

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