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Author's Note:
Hola Peeps! I hope you are safe and doing fine. This chapter might contain typos, so I am sorry jn advance. Happy reading!!


I woke up at the usual time and felt a weight upon me and realized he has caged me with his arms and legs. I looked at his face and smiled. He looked so cute, wide off track from the person he was, the last night. It was my first and I am glad it was him. 

I was so scared when I admitted that I was ready for it. My experience was zero and my knowledge was vague, fuelling my insecurities He asked me twice if I was ready but a new feeling and desire hit me, craving me to give into it. I wanted to experience it, with him. 

 He was so cautious because it's my first time and made slow yet provocative moves on me. I shivered, remembering the time when the hot trail of kisses burned my skin. His bare chest had me flushed red and all he did was giggle, aiding my embarrassment. But then, moments later, he made sure I was feeling comfortable and then continued his actions.

I was so flustered to lie naked in front of him, his eyes staring at me with a stronger gaze than usual. I wasn't sure if I looked perfect as no one in my life saw me in a way that he did but his words last night made my heart flutter intensely.

"You look so beautiful Nazeera and I am so happy that you are mine"

"And I am yours"

My cheeks burned at those words. He was slow at first but things paced real quick when we both were lost in the moment. It pained, honestly a lot but with time, it was pure bliss, entangled in his showers of kisses and immense pleasure. He is a great boyfriend and I am so lucky that he loves me. The night yesterday was an incredible one and even though it was slightly rough, I felt good and loved it. 

It was a very strange feeling and I now realized why people call this making love. Like my every first, he is the one I lost my virginity to. All these feelings inside me matched the ones I read in novels and now I feel so similar to the female protagonist.

I remember Jimin's words that day before leaving. I guess he has already got a plan, he got himself protection as well. But I don't complain at all, this has been one of the greatest nights of my life, proving to me to the millionth time that I want Taehyung forever.

Right now I am naked in the arms of my beloved under the sheets, adoring his cute face while he is asleep. My head rested on his bare chest, the main reason for the butterflies in my body. I feel sore below and I am afraid if this feeling persists for long. I need to walk the whole day.

I saw him blinking his eyes and immediately closed my eyes, ending my staring session, not wanting to be the victim He snuggled close and I felt his hands stroking my hair. 

Don't make my heart beat so fast, Taehyung

I could feel his lips pressed on my forehead and internally smiled in delight. And soon, I felt his lips grazing mine. He started nibbling over my lower lip, sucking it quite seductively and my heart couldn't help but race faster than Usain Bolt. He did that again and I want to kiss him now. 

Why is he teasing me like that? 

Wait! Isn't it wrong to steal a kiss from someone while they are sleeping? 

"Isn't it wrong to check out someone while they are asleep?", his voice startled me. Did he just read my mind? Nevertheless, I continued my pretense of sleeping, not wanting him to have his way. He sucked my lip once again and pecked it, urging my desires to kiss him back

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