[𝟏𝟓] 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬

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The stubble on his face is weirdly calming and he's not as scary when he takes his shades off. I still can't fully see his face but there's a familiarity about him I can't quite put my finger on.

He turns up the radio and my favorite song is playing. I'm shamelessly dancing in my seat and mouthing the lyrics when he pulls up to a house not far from the beach. Not the beach house Tahlia, Lily, Kayden and I went to, it was a different one.

It was actually pretty big, about twice the size of the beach shack. It was colored with light blues and darker blues on certain walls.

"Um, where are we?" I ask the man.

"Oh, I was supposed to tell you, your father told me that you've moved houses. Something about a divorce...?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot about that." I scratch the back of my neck. The divorce was messy as hell, I should know, I watched most of it play out over facetime.

Okay, but seriously, it was pretty messy. Mom tired suing dad but then he turned it around on her, sued her, mom fought for our house, got it, and then mom bought Ray a dog to bribe her to come live with her, Ray took the dog, blocked mom, they haven't talked since.

Dad got a new house for us, sadly not too far from where lived before. But on the plus side, we're on the same street as Sam now. Sam's house is hella old while ours wasn't built all that long ago. Meaning that while our new house looks beachy and cozy and summery, his looks like your average house.

"Thanks for the ride." I smile, looking away from him to reach into my bag to give him a tip. When I look back at him, he's no longer wearing his hat and Aslan isn't in the car anymore.

I study his face, seriously feeling the sense of familiarity this time. I narrow my eyes. I think the stubbles really throwing me off. But what helps me pinpoint who he is, is that single little dimple on his cheek.


"Hi, Grace." He grins. I probably look like an idiot by the way I'm ogling him. But I seriously cannot help it. His face somehow has so much more definition than the last time I saw it and his eyelashes are longer. How? Don't ask me, I swear he wears fake lashes because there is no way those are natural.

He's grown into his body and the way his shirt fits him is possibly my new favorite sight. His lips look fuller and god those eyes. I forgot how much I miss them. The way the sun's hitting his face and bring all that much more attention to his eyes makes him look like a goddamn angel.

"H- hi." I can't help but stumble over his eyes- I mean my words. "You look different."

He chuckles, still smiling at me but something's different by the way he looks at me. "So do you, I like your hair."

He reaches for it, twirling it between his fingers. He seems to have realized something and lets go of that piece of hair. "Thank you, I let it grow out, I got kind of tired of the highlights."

He nods. Why is this so awkward?

"So why didn't you call?" He asks me, his jaw becoming tight. I knit my eyebrows together.

"I didn't have phone privileges in the clinic my entire time there and even if I did my mom took my phone with her."

"Didn't you go to live with your aunt? Why didn't you just buy a new phone?" I give him a look. Is he seriously mad at me right now?

"My aunt offered to buy me one but I said no because I didn't want to spend her money and when I did try calling you on my cousin's phone, you never answered."

He looks like he's holding himself back from rolling eyes and boy was he failing. I feel my eyes turn sad as I notice the look that he hasn't given me since we've talked.

"Why are you mad at me, Sammy?" I ask him, frowning.

"I'm not. I- I just... don't call me that. Please." He swallows. "I'm having breakfast with some friends so I have to go."

"Are you going to help me with my bags at least?" He shakes his head, not sparing me even the slightest glance. The corners of my eyes sting but I blink the tears away. "Okay... well, have fun. Love you."

That last part wasn't supposed to come out.

Just act like it didn't happen, yeah, do that.

I lean over Sam and press a button that pops the trunk open. I go to pull away but he catches my wrist, we're so close I don't even know what to do.

What if he starts talking and I do too and my breath stinks? No, no, I brushed my teeth this morning.

"What did you say?" I swear I can hear his heart beating as fast as mine even through his speaking. I missed his voice so much, and now I know for a fact that if I was away from him again, I'd miss his voice even more. Though his voice is deep, it's quiet and comforting.

I gulp, whispering, "I asked if you were going to help me with my bag."

He's eyeing my lips and to say he looked like a hungry animal would be an understatement. When he speaks, he's still looking at my lips, leaning in.

"After that. After that, what did you say?"

"Have fun." At this, he leans even closer, his hand traveling up my arm and cupping my cheek. His hands are so large, and my face is so small it feels more like he's cupping the side of my neck.

"And after that?" He asks, his face completely serious as he leans in further.

"I love you." I finally say after a beat of silence.

At my words, he doesn't hesitate to smash his lips to mine, pulling me over the console. After a moment, I kiss him back, this familiar feeling coursing through me.

He pulls away after a moment, breathless. "Say it again."

"I love you." He groans like he can't get enough of the sound of those three words, pulling my face closer to his. I don't think he knows it's weird for me too.

I promised myself that I wouldn't say those words unless I was at least eighteen after Spencer had his first kiss and said he regretted it. But I couldn't help it. It felt so natural, it's scary, really.

His hand drops to my lower back and then lower. And then lower. "You're so pretty, you know that?"

"Only because you told me." He squeezes my ass, his tongue running over the seem of my lip. I grab his hand and bring it back up to my waist. Where it belongs. "Watch those hands, my dad's watching."

He cranes his head to the side before dropping his head against my shoulder and laughing. I peck him on the cheek, reaching to open his door but he stops me.

"What?" I quirk an eyebrow at him. He grins, pulling me somehow closer.

"I love you more."

Sure he does.

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