I kissed her with all the strength I have in me. "It's just that I don't want my career making you do something you don't wanna do. I know how much you hat the spotlight and it feels like I'm pushing you into it."

"Look me in my eyes love." I looked deep in her eyes and I saw all the emotions she was feeling. I could see the fear, the nerves, the anger and guilt. "You have nothing to fear my love. You know I would never do something I don't want to do. I'm doing this because I want to. Now I need my little boss baby by my side. Can you do that?"

She looked at me and smiled a true genuine smile. The love and adoration I have for this woman is unmatched. "Yes daddy I can do that. I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too sexy. Now let's go before we're late." We got out the car and walked in the building hand and hand. When we got to the dressing room our outfits were laid out. I was a little bit nervous about being myself in front of the world but I think it is necessary. It may be people in the world just like me but is afraid to say anything.

        Maybe I can help the next person face their fears by facing my own. We walked to the curtain and waited for our names to be called. "Welcome back to the talk. Before we went in commercial we told you we had two incredible people on this show today. Let us welcome Governor Onika Maraj and Special Agent Beyoncé Knowles." Eve introduced.

We walked out on the stage hand in hand waving at the audience. The crowd went wild screaming and crying. I know this is all for Onika because people really love her that's another reason I wanna clear this up.

"Welcome to the show ladies. How is life treating you?" Carrie Ann asked us.

I looked at Oni to see her tense and a fake smile plastered on her face. I put my hand on her thigh rubbing it soothingly. She looked at me and her smile finally turned sincere. "Life is great. A rollercoaster but still great." Oni said.

"I know there is a few things in the media about you all, especially since they found out that you're in a relationship. How did y'all meet?" Sheryl asked us.

Oni nodded towards me to answer this. "We first met at the mall where we weren't really nice to each other. Then we met again when she was receiving death threats so I became her bodyguard. After that we found out that our moms are best friends and have been for years."

"Sounds like y'all were destine to be together." Eve said.

"First congratulations are in order because we hear that you are pregnant." Sharon said.

"Thank you." We said in unison.

"Now there is a rumor that you cheated on Beyoncé while she was in Washington DC."

"That part of the reason we are here today." I took a deep breath cause I was really about to do this and put myself on display like this. "It is true that Onika did get pregnant through natural conception. It is false that she cheated and that resulted in her getting pregnant."

I was shaking like a stripper at how nervous I was. My dad, the kids I grew up with and all the traumatic memories I had came flooding back all at once. "BB you don't have to do this. It is nobody business how we conceived these babies." They went to a commercial break so I could get myself together.

"Is she alright?" Eve asked.

"Give her a min this is a lot. BB look at me." I looked in her eyes hyperventilating. "Breathe for me love."

"I'm... trying." She kissed me and I took a deep breath. It amazes me how much she's ok with displaying affection no matter who's around.

She broke the kiss and grabbed my face. "You don't have to do this BB."

"I know but I want to. Just hold my hand and let me face my fears."

"I got you my love."

The cameraman started the countdown to resume the show. "Hello everyone we are back with Governor Maraj and Special Agent Knowles, who was about to reveal how Governor Maraj became pregnant." Carrie Ann informed.

"As I was saying before Onika did conceive through normal conception."

"Would you care to explain?" Sharon asked.

"I was born with a male reproductive system and a male appendage. My kids are mine biologically and my love did not cheat on me." I said looking at Oni smiling. She blushed and looked away as I squeezed her hand.

"Really wasn't expecting that. I bet that shut up all the extra rumors about the Governor. What made you want to come on here and tell the world your secret?" Sheryl asked.

"I didn't want my fear to affect the way she is seen in the public eye. She is the sweetest person I know. She always trying to help someone or build someone up so I don't want people trying to tear her down because they want to sell magazines."

"I told her over and over again that she didn't have to do this but she was very adamant about making sure that my image was not based on lies. I didn't care what the media say because I knew the truth but she just had to make sure the world knew the truth."

"Well if this isn't a love story I don't know what is." Sharon said.

"So we were told that an exclusive would be revealed today." Eve stated.

(A/N: What is the exclusive? Are they gonna tell them about the babies? What are the parents gonna say when they find out? How will the public spin Beyoncé's secret? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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