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Naruto scratch his head as he looked around and notice that Sasuke car with his bodyguard was missing while led him to believe that it was planned. Naruto ran back to his apartment as fast as he could, once he reached his place he went straight for his motorcycle then he drove off. Everyone in the Uchiha house hold was in the living room as they waited for the youngest to come home from school, everything was quite until they heard a loud screeching sound outside " i'll go check it out " said Itachi before he removed Deidara from his lap then he walked towards the entrance " wait you can't go inside " could be heard from outside which made Itachi raise an eyebrow but the time Itachi reach the door, it flung open revealing Naruto cover in sweat 

Itachi looked confused " we have a big problem Uchiha " said Naruto as he made his way towards the living room without realizing that the whole family was there " captain what are you doing here " questioned Itachi as he followed Naruto after calming down his security team " you're brother was kidnap and you wouldn't believe who did it " said Naruto as he came face to face with Itachi who eyes widen so did everyone else " what " yelled everyone expect Deidara who stood up while tears filled his eye " he's been what " questioned Deidara as he pulled on Naruto's forearm making Naruto eyes widen when he saw Deidara with tears rolling down his face

Naruto didn't know what to say, he didn't think Deidara would be home " he was " trailed off Naruto as he glance towards Itachi for help " tell me Naruto " yelled Deidara as he placed his hands on his shoulder before he shook him just a little " he's " mumbled Naruto as he looked away " WHAT THE FUCK! JUST TELL ME. PLEASE JUST TELL ME! TELL ME IT ISN'T " yelled Deidara but was cut off when he felt a wave of pain hit his stomach " ugh " moan Deidara in pain as he held his stomach with his right hand while he used Naruto for support with his left because his legs caved in on him 

Itachi eyes widen before he reached Deidara " what wrong " asked Itachi as he held onto Deidara " it's hurts " cried Deidara as he held onto his stomach while he grip tighten on Itachi forearm " is it the baby " asked Itachi as tears filled his eyes when he saw Deidara nod his head just slightly " i'll call granny " said Naruto as he pulled out his phone while he walked a few feet away, Mikoto was by Deidara's side as she guided him through some breathing exercises. Itachi felt fear because he didn't know what to do in this case, his husband was crying in pain and he didn't know what to do to make it better. Naruto came back " she'll be here in a few minute, lucky for us she was doing a home visit just a few blocks away from here " explained Naruto making Itachi slowly nod his head as he rubbed gently circle on Deidara's back

Just like Naruto said, an older women with long blonde hair and blue eyes came through the door of the Uchiha house hold after 5 minutes " granny, you're here " said Naruto as he sign in relief " brat stop calling me that! now where is he " said the older lady as she speed walked towards the living room where Naruto guided her to " lady Tsunade " called out Itachi as he was grateful to see her " it hurt " cried Deidara alerting everyone especially Tsunade who rushed towards him " help me take him to your room " said Tsunade making Itachi nod before he lifted Deidara ( bridal style ) then took him upstairs but once they were in the room, Tsunade kicked Itachi out who ended up curing through the door 

Itachi paced in the living room as Mikoto and Fugaku looked worried for Deidara and their grandchild while Naruto sat on the edge of the couch " i'm sorry " said Naruto as he looked down at his hands, how stupid of him to burt out something so important in front of his emotional cousin who's pregnant " you don't have to apologize " said Itachi as he stopped with his pacing " i should've have known better " said Naruto as he beat himself up for his stupid mistake but before Itachi could respond back, Tsunade came down and she looked so pissed off. Itachi didn't like the look Tsunade had " how's Deidara " asked Itachi before he received a smack across his face by Tsuande. Everyone stood up while Itachi eyes widen as he reached his left check that was burning " WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM " yelled Tsuande " BECAUSE OF YOU, DEIDARA COULD HAD HAVE A MISCARRIAGE " continued Tsuande as she raised her hand at Itachi but was stopped by Naruto who grabbed her wrist in time 

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