The take down

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( if everyone is wondering, I'm writing different point of view of what's happening at the same time or just a few mins before or after )

Kurama led his team in a straight line towards the Uchiha house but he stopped right before they reached the house. Kurama signal with his left hand that was made in a fist in order for everyone else could stop without bumping to each other. Kurama held up 2 fingers before he pointed to the right making the last 2 of the military officer nod before they turned towards the right in order to make their way towards the back of the house.

Kurama signal everyone else to move forward but to stay low because anything was possible at the moment. Everyone entered through the front entrance of the gates of the Uchiha house then Kurama sent 4 officers to the left while he went to the right with the remaining 3 officers. Everyone entered the security guard booth that was in the corner and that's where they notice one of the guards on the floor bleeding out " Konan see if he's alright " said Kurama considering she's the medic of the team. Konan went to check his pulse before she turned her head towards her captain " he's barely breathing, I'll do the most I can but I'm calling this in, he won't make it at this rate " said Konan making Kurama nod " do what you have to do " said Kurama before they had gun shots making everyone hid behind the wall on the left hand side so they won't get shot but Konan pulled the guard with them along the way


Itachi and Naruko still hid behind the pillers before they're eyes widen when they heard the books from the book shelves being thrown. Itachi turned his head towards Naruko " cover me " whispered Itachi making Naruko tilt her head to the side " huh " whispered Naruko back but her eyes widen when she saw Itachi running up the stairs. Itachi pushed his gun behind him the moment he saw the book shelve opening. The Russian didn't know what hit him when Itachi grabbed him by his vest then he put him in a head lock, the Russian struggled to get out of the hold due to the lack of oxygen. Itachi closed the book shelve as he held the Russian in his arms " what the fuck Itachi, that was dangerous " said Naruko as she came out of hiding " shut the fuck up, i know what i'm doing. Just watch the door, i'll be back " said Itachi as he came down with the Russian who was still struggling 

Itachi took the guy into the bathroom where his family and Tsunade were but everyone flinched when they heard the door being kicked in. Tsunade pointed the gun towards the door, her heart was beating fast and her hands were sweating a lot but she needed to get a grip cause one wrong move and everyone is a goner. Tsunade didn't know she was holding onto her breathing until she let out a long sigh when she saw Itachi coming through the door with an unknown man " who's that " questioned Tsunade as she put away her gun " we're about to find out " said Itachi as he forcibly kneel the guy down then he laid him down stomach first. Itachi removed all of the Russian weapons off his body then he took out a zip tie from his side pocket and tie the Russians hands behind his back 

Mikoto and Fugaku never seen their son like this and it kinda scared them " you fucking pig! DIE " yelled the Russian with his thick Russian accent " don't push my buttons! the only one dying tonight it's you " whispered Itachi close to the Russian ears before he flip him so he'll be on his back " what are you gonna do " questioned Fugaku as he saw his son dragging the guy towards the shower head but Itachi didn't give a respond. Tsunade looked away when she saw Itachi grab a towel because she knew what was coming and that was waterboarding which was a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the person to experience the sensation of drowning. 

Itachi somewhat sat on the guys chest while the towel was on held tightly on top of the Russian face as Itachi left knee was on one side of the towel and his right hand was holding the other side  " you wanna be tough " said Itachi as he took the shower head and then he turned it on to the strongest setting. Water pour on top of the towel making the Russian struggle against Itachi's hold but it wasn't helpful, Itachi counted from 10 second before he removed the towel. The Russian gasp for air as his whole face was red " are you gonna talk " asked Itachi as the Russian coughed up water " fuck you " cursed the Russian " you asked for it " hiss Itachi as he placed the towel over the Russian face again " стоп ( stop ) " yelled Russian " Подождите ( wait ) " continued Russian making Itachi raise his eyebrow " you're ready to talk now " said Itachi as he smirked but he saw that the Russian guy nodded his head rapidly " smart guy " continued Itachi as he removed the towel completely much to the Russian relief 

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