She is a He

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It was the middle of the school and Sasuke couldn't help but glance over at ' Naruko ' in order to spot something that was bothering him. Sasuke closed his eyes and remember the conversation that Itachi and Deidara had when they thought that Sasuke was asleep. 

***** Flash Back ***

Sasuke was recovering from his surgery on the 15 floor of the hospital but he was happy that he had the room with a private bathroom all for himself. Sasuke wanted time for himself so he didn't talk to Itachi that was in the room with him which led Itachi to believe that Sasuke was asleep. Deidara knocked on the door of the door before he opened it " good morning " said Deidara as he smiled when he made eye contact with Itachi while he closed the door behind him " morning baby " said Itachi as he looked up at Deidara as he put down his phone in order to open his arms which made Deidara blush before he glanced over at Sasuke who had his eyes close for whatever reason he. 

Deidara made his way towards Itachi who wrapped his arms around Deidara small waist then he placed him on his lap " how's the baby " asked Itachi as he rubbed smoothing circle around Deidara's stomach " she's alright, she's been fussy this morning " said Deidara making Itachi ' mmm ' before he lend down " don't give your mom a hard time " whispered Itachi before he kissed Deidara's stomach which cause him to blush but there was something in his mind " Itachi can you explain to me why Sasuke think that Naruto is Naruko " asked Deidara making Itachi look confused but along the way Sasuke opened his eyes slowly " Naruto? who's that " thought Sasuke " what do you mean " questioned Itachi " well it was Naruto that got injured not Naruko but when i played the video, Sasuke thought it was Naruko. I know that they're both twins but you could obviously tell the difference,  it's something i don't understand " explained Deidara " well maybe you should asked Naruto about it " said Itachi making Deidara ' mmm ' as he nod his head 

****** Flashback over *****

Sasuke opened his eyes and noticed that his teacher Kakashi walked in only 15 mins late like always. Sasuke didn't know what to think, the person he had feelings for was a guy not a girl but it surprised himself that he didn't care that the person he liked was a boy " Naruto " thought Sasuke as he stared at ' Naruko ' that was sitting in front of him. Once class was, it was time for gym class which Sasuke was grateful for because it meant that everyone change into their gym clothes which give him a better look, not that he's a pervert. Everyone was on the field behind the school, the boys were sitting down as the girls were the first ones to run the field, Sasuke could only stare at Naruto. He noticed that he had long tan slim legs, a small waist while he had a lot of junk in the truck but he notice the chest that wasn't there like every other girls in his class

Sasuke blush as he looked away " she is really a boy " thought Sasuke as he nodded just a little but he was gonna need more proof than just a flat chest. Naruto stop running after the 5th lap while the other girls were on their 3rd but he felt some eyes on him so he looked behind him and made eye contact with the young Uchiha who blushed while he looked away but it just made him smirk " interesting " thought Naruto as he looked away. Once it was after school Naruto was the first one to leave the school grounds but the only difference was that Sasuke was following Naruto closely.

Naruto finally made it home without noticing the young Uchiha right behind him, Sasuke notice the apartment building that was just an ordinary apartment building.  


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