Part 2

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I move slowly from the campus building along the path to the parking lot. I feel alert, but very, very tired. I guess it was because I haven't eaten all day, but I haven't been hungry. It was so weird. I was always hungry. Even when I was sick, my appetite bounced back so fast. I envy the skinny girls who would complain about having a cold and not being able to eat anything, how their doctors would actually worry that they were losing too much weight. I snort. No chance of that with me.

Yet, here I am, totally uninterested in food.

I had spent all class staring at the window and rubbing my neck. It's always on the edge of my thoughts, my secret, although I can't let myself think about it directly. It's too distracting, and I have a hard enough time paying attention in class as it is. What am I even doing here? I'm not interested in the program. I certainty don't think taking classes at the crappy local community college is some big break that is going to land me an amazing career. I really had just enrolled hoping I would finally be able to have a life. What a joke. I should have just gotten a job, a job that was like sitting in the back of a class being ignored, a job where no one had to look at me. I reach the wooded part of the path. Of course I was late to class today, so of course the parking lot next to the building was full and I had to park on the other side of the campus, not only making me later, but also forcing me to parade herself over a longer distance and be observed by more people.

I walk more slowly than necessary. I let everyone else in the class go ahead so I can walk by myself. The sun has already set and the day is fading, but it's not quite dark enough for the street lamps to come on. It's my favorite time of day, the time when someone as large as me becomes the least visible. I hear the conversations ahead of me becoming quieter as the people get farther ahead. For about 50 yards, until the path opens into the next parking lot, I get to be alone in the woods.

Wait... I'm not alone. Not alone at all.

I turn my head to the left, looking into the trees that lead into the deeper forest that connects to the college. There is still a bit of light in the sky, but in those trees, there is nothing, only blackness. My skin prickles. Suddenly, even though it still has to be in the 80's, I feel cold. I become hyper aware of every sound, every rustling. My vision becomes sharp. I'm not sure how I know, but I know


is there.

With nobody left to make any noise, I hear leaves rustling, a couple of evening bird calls, and...nothing. Nothing that shouldn't be there.

I sigh. I guess I'm just paranoid after last night.

I start to turn back to the path when a hand reaches out from the blackness, grabs my collar and yanks me into the trees.

I know I'm not light, but you wouldn't guess it from how easily I'm pulled from the path. The dimming light moves away so fast I can't even be sure it was there, and I'm completely in the shadows. My feet bump into branches and roots, but nothing stops the relentless progress, until I can feel my shirt twist, and my breath is briefly cut off while I'm hoisted higher in the air. Then I hiss as I'm tossed on my back onto the ground.

Wrists (complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant