Interlude Between the New Characters (^○^)

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November 1st
Between 2 Pm after Yuno was defeated who then retreated and 3 Pm after the Date A Live Characters arrive to Japan but how did they get here let's find that out in there world

The World Of Eurasia after being devastated by SpaceQuakes some 30 years ago(let's skip over that)
After the defeat of wescott peace has been restored in Shido World, a unknown individual appeared in His house alone with his sprits( now as humans I give you that)

While the group are watching tv the individual showed up out of nowhere sending shido flying off his couch
Shido: who are you and where did you come from
???: I can't tell you that but however there is a new world that I will send y'all to visit
Tohka: and what is this new world that you are talking about
???: you will know when you will see it okay
Kurumi: interesting I should seeing new stuff
Shido: if you don't cause any trouble
Kurumi: I won't do anything reckless unlike in our world I always wanted to hurt you but no promises though what we will do in this new place
Kotori: is this new world that you say is safe our mysterious companion
???: rest assured it is safe
Shido: what would happen to my world here if I'm not here to protect it
???: I made the necessary precautions to keep it intact without any destruction
Shido: good

While the group are watching tv the individual showed up out of nowhere sending shido flying off his couchShido: who are you and where did you come from???: I can't tell you that but however there is a new world that I will send y'all to visit Toh...

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Yoshino: this might be fun to see
Reine: I might want to check this out
Origami: I see well I'm in
Shido: is there anyone here that I can bring with me but not all though
???: bring that singer girl with you
Izayoi:why me I was having a good time here
???: quit your whining and those twins can come as well
Kaguya & Yuzuru: sweet
Shido: anything else
???: that's all now it's time to go
The unknown figure creates a portal to Tokyo, Japan for them to jump in
???: good luck and until we meet again and once y'all are inside the portal it will close on itself. Later
The figure disappears from there sight
Shido: well then no time to waste let's go
The crew jump in the portal to say goodbye there world and onwards to Tokyo, Japan Then the portal close.

Nobody POV
Once they step foot on the cliff they already saw the whole fight etc etc (you get the idea of you read the last chapter of my story) but let's take a look at the hotel

James POV
(In Hyoki Room)
Currently James is in the nice Comfy Seat holding a teddy bear while Hyoki is giving him a nice relaxing blowjob
James: your skills have improved Hyoki I'm impressed she must have learned this online
Reki: most likely whenever she has free time that is
James: that sounds good and Hyoki is almost time for your reward but the others will be getting there as well
As James was clenched his fist he couldn't hold it anymore
James: always girls gather around for your reward
James: I'm cumming
James took his dick out of Hyoki mouth and gave each of his mates a huge facial and they quite like it
James: that was wonderful I needed that relief
Miki: yummy thanks for our meal
Reki: you were quite back up
James: had to release it somehow
While his mates were enjoying James cum they heard a knock
Knock knock knock
James: who is it
Maggie: it's me Maggie you have a note for this room
James: slide it under the door
Maggie: okay

The note was slid under the door
Reki: I wonder who it could be I'll go check it out
Reki pick up the envelope and opening it and it was Hyoki from her sister
Reki: it's for you Hyoki and it's from your sister you should read it
James: grab some tissues so you can wipe your face
Hyoki grabs the note and reads the message
After reading it for about 5 minutes
Hyoki: so my sister wants to fix our relationship if she wants that to happen I'll talk to her at the hotel face to face
Maki: good idea 💡
James was thinking of something
Yuki: something wrong
James: yeah I was thinking about future me is doing and about what Stephanie said after she left our world I wonder what he is doing
Hyoki: who knows he must be having a good time with his kids
James: yeah your right I hope he is doing okay
Reki: same here
James: anyways lets get clean up and take a shower we are sweating here

A/N: think of you that's doing that there
Maki: let's get to it
James and his current mates got themselves in the shower to washed up while trying to resist each other having sex in the bathroom but they managed to get through and got in some wonderful outfits
James: man that was good now let's head out
Hyoki: okay
They head out the room to join with James wives
Asuka: so this unknown tried to take our man away
Yumi: yeah she did but she retreated after she saw my ice Queen form plus I don't even know where she came from
Asuka: it's a relief you stop her but is she going to come back
Yumi: if she does then I'll take her life away
Asuka: I see

In the Future World of Tokyo, Japan
Future James: so you saw the present version of your parents from there world
Stephanie: yeah I wanted to really see them and talk about what's been going on in our world
Future Asuka: that's good I wonder what they are doing today
Stephanie: nothing much they just got back from the cemetery after placing some flowers on the late dogen grave
Future Homura: I'm glad they did that
Future Yumi: it will be quite a long time before we can see them
Stephanie: yeah I know and I told him about your kids dad
Future James: oh boy 👦 present me going to have a tough time about having sex with his harem by all of them course
Future Hyoki: you did the same thing with my team so there won't no problem for him to do it
Future Miki: until that day comes
The future shinobi: I hope he is ready
Future James: better get plenty of water because you will have the fun of a life time present me.
(Chapter end)
I'm done with this chapter I'm out see you tomorrow morning

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