(Outside) Lucas Stops A rape from happening

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After Lucas left the academy for a brief visit and being the late son of dogen has its perks, he came upon a busy street of houses and notice something was happening inside a house and it didn't look good

Lucas: what is going on in there
Upon taking a closer look at the house in the window he was shocked that an intruder was raping a girl in front of her husband  while tied up and can't do anything to stop it this piss Lucas off
Lucas: not on my watch I will stop this from happening
Upon his luck the back door was unlock he enters the house and is about to beat the hell out of this intruder let's start the chapter
(In the house)
Intruder: do you see this here Your girl that you love is getting rape by me and you can't do anything about it
The husband who couldn't stop this intruder was tied up with tape over his mouth
Busty girl: someone save me
Intruder: here it comes you better take what is yours
Before the intruder could release the floodgates he was punched real hard by Lucas and sent him to the wall
Lucas: how dare you do that to a young girl like her you better get ready because I'm about to beat the ever living shit out of you
Intruder: who are you no wait are you the son of dogen stay away from me
Lucas: it's too late now

Lucas then beats up the intruder using whatever resources he can put his hands on after punching him in the face then the stomach which broke his ribs then he immediately found a golf club and upon impact Lucas hit the intruder leg and it broke while the intruder tried to escape but he kept getting his ass beat from rape that young
Lucas: don't you ever rape anymore girls do you hear me and if you do I'll kill you in the most gruesome way possible
Intruder: please don't I won't do it again
Lucas: get out of my sight before I change my mind
The intruder got his stuff and immediately got out of the house but with his leg broken he barely made it off the street
Lucas is watching just to make sure the intruder is gone

Lucas unties the husband And wife
Lucas: are you two alright
Husband 1: yes we are thank you for saving
Wife 1: is there anything we can repay you sir
Lucas: no need to but first but protect yourself for any intruder by all means or arm yourself and take your wife to the hospital, she might need
Husband 1: thank you
Lucas: I'll take my leave now be safe
Lucas leaves the house and returns back to his business
Husband 1: let us go to the hospital babe
Wife 1: yes we should go now
Both of them went to the hospital to get tested for a rape kit for the wife

NoBody POV
We see Lucas walking away from the busy street but out of nowhere a flying golden cloud came to him  called nimbus with a note
Lucas: ooo what this a cloud and a note for me let's take a look at it
(Note, to:Lucas
From: unknown I saw what you did when you stop that rape and as a reward for doing that I'm giving you this golden cloud that you can ride on and it's name is nimbus all you have to do is call it's name and will arrive to you but make sure to give it some rest whenever you are done with it that is all. Sincerely ???
Lucas: someone must be a huge fan of me to give me this but I'll take it
Lucas gets on the cloud
Lucas: alright nimbus let's go
Both of them soar from the ground to the sky
(A/N: not all the way but above some buildings, I'll also make Lucas rescue a suicide victim from a building

Nobody POV
After Lucas got his gift from a unknown individual Lucas notice a teenage girl is about to kill herself by falling off a tall building as to escape this world from getting any help
Lucas: is she trying to kill herself im not going to let that happen, let's go save her fast nimbus
Nimbus agrees and they went fast

A huge crowd of civilians gather around the building where the girl is about to end her life and are begging her not to do it
Civilian: please don't do it
Worry mother: we beg of you please don't kill your self
No matter what words they say to her she wouldn't listen to them
Suicide girl: I guess this is the end goodbye world
She falls off the building and the crowd are screaming that she will hit the ground but not before a miracle happen that Lucas saved her life
Lucas grabs the fallen girl
Lucas: I got you there is no reason to end your life and we will give the help you need ok
Suicide girl: please do
Lucas: nimbus take us to the ground
Nimbus does as you say and you arrive at the ground

5 minutes later
Lucas: we made it and here is the girl and I'm glad I saved her
The mother of the girl: thank goodness I thought I'll lose you please don't do that again I can't let you leave this world
Girl: I'm sorry mother
Lucas: can you take her to hospital she is going to need lots of help
The mother: I will and thank you for saving my daughter
Lucas: much obliged
Civilians: thank you so much for saving her life
Lucas: I'm glad I did
Suddenly a news van arrives
Reporter: sir is it ok if we show you on camera for everyone to see
Lucas: go ahead I don't mind on whatever question you might ask me
Reporter: crew let's start it up and get some good coverage
Reporter 2: you got it and we are on let's get to it
Lucas: let's do this
(Chapter end)
So much good deeds that Lucas has done and he will return back to his mother house alone with his soon to be wife Jesse

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