At the beach, Y/N makes a guest appearance

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Nobody p.o.v
Continue where we left off on the last chapter and James sudden blowjob from yumi, they arrive to the beach to enjoy there wonderful honeymoon

James: some fresh air I needed this plus there food was good and yumi who gave me a quick blowjob I can count that as well
Yumi: so you love it then how about we go all the way on this beach here
James: nope plus this is public so we ain't doing that and we will get in trouble here so I like to not let that happen
Yumi: you do make a good point
James: you will get your sexual favor later if I'm up for it but go have some fun with the girls in your beach clothes
Yumi goes to the bathroom and changes into her beach outfit
Yumi: you like it babe
James: I sure do
Yumi: thanks 😊 I'm off to join the girls you go have some fun
Yumi joins with the girls at the water playing with the beach ball
James: I'm so glad I married them

???: that's good for you
James turns his face around and notice a mysterious person
James:who are you
Y/N: I'm your name and I come from a different dimension call academy city where I stay with my daughter, wife, husband/mother plus the Shinobi that is living with us
James: I never heard about this before it's nice to meet you
Y/N: same goes to you
James: who are you married to
Y/N: see the girl with the black hair with her team
James: you mean Asuka
Y/n: yeah I married to her well the adult version since we are responsible parents and got a huge house
James: that's amazing

At the water p.0.v
Asuka: did someone call my name
Yagyū: I don't think so
Ikaruga: if I were to guess how about that guy that's talking to our husband
Hibari: go talk to him Asuka
Asuka: sure

Asuka gets out of the water to talk to the mysterious person
Asuka: may I ask who you are sir
Y/N: certainly I'm your name and I come from another dimension plus I'm married to you
Asuka: really
Y/n: that's correct plus we have a daughter name Stacy
Asuka: wonderful this is some good news
Y/N: and congratulations on getting married
Asuka: thank you but you wasn't there
Y/N: I was with my family and I'm having a visit here just to see what's being going on
Asuka: I like that
Y/N: good and why don't you go back to the water it's almost time for me to go

Asuka runs back to the water to join her team
James: this is goodbye
Y/N: yeah

The portal from academy city opens
Y/N: it's time for me to go now and one more thing I saw that 5 hour sex that you had with the girls
James:😱 later
Y/N: goodbye
Y/N jumps into the portal to head home
James: what a nice gentleman

Back at the water
Katsuragi : so what did the person say
Asuka: he is married to an adult version of me from another dimension and has a daughter
Yagyū: wow
Haruka: anything else
Asuka: he also said that us shinobi are living with him in a big house
Murasaki: this is some good information
Ryobi: definitely

Asuka: let us continue with our fun until we join our husband
Shiki: right
After a few minutes later the girls went to the bathroom to get back in there clothes
Minori: James we are finish
James: good I am done for the day let's go get dinner and head to the room
Everyone: right
They location the nearest restaurant, payed for there and dine in for the night, then went to there hotel for a good night rest.
Asuka: good night James
James: good night honey
Everyone went to sleep after having a nice
Long day at the beach
(Chapter end)

Who knew that I would bring y/n from my previous story to make a guest appearance in my current story. See you later

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