Lucas Joins The Area

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It's been about 4 days after the funeral and the girls thirst for vengeance on who kill there husband and won't stop till they see the body in a bloody mess, let's see what Lucas is currently doing

Lucas: I told my father about this But he blows it off like he didn't do anything but I'll continue my investigation
While you are doing that you became hungry
Lucas: lucky for me I'm close to one
Lucas goes in to order his food

What he didn't know is that the girls are in the same area
Miyabi: I am surprise that who did this is able to cover there tracks so easily
Asuka: this is really getting on my nerves we need to find this guy
Imu: I know we all need this but let's be patience, I'm sure we might come up with something or someone that looks similar to the killer
The girls begin to think of what to do next
Yomi: hey look girls we have someone that enter the store and he seems to be somewhat familiar to someone but not sure why, let's listen 👂 ok

After Lucas order his quick food and paying for it, a busty high school girl approach him
Busty school girl: hey Lucas can we ask you a quick question
Lucas: what's your question ladies
Busty school girl: we know it was sad to hear James pass away from this world but the true question that I would like you to answer is do you know who killed James

The shinobi were listening in on the conversation hoping to get some answers

Lucas: you might not like this sweetie but the one who killed James is none other then my father Dōgen I'm pretty sure you heard it on the news
Everyone in the building were shocked that the killer son would be in there presence
Lucas: anything else
Busty school girl: that's all thank you
She left to meet with her friends
Lucas finish with his food and left the area
Hibari: now that we have some answers what should we do now Asuka
Asuka: let's capture him to gain more information to whatever info he can provide, the more we can get from him will benefit us to get our revenge
Yagyū: let's go after him
The shinobi left the building

Lucas: #Sleepy# I'm getting tired I'm done for the day
As Lucas was about to sleep he felt a chop on the back of his neck which knock him out
Asuka: sweet dreams you're coming with us
Ikaruga grab Lucas over her shoulder and they all disappear to return at there house

(Lucas has been captured)
Chapter end
What will happen next find that out for yourself in the next chapter

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