Shinobi Pov

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With the answers Lucas has provided to the girls they are planning there long awaited vengeance, let's see what they are up too

Asuka: now that we know what to do should we confront our killer
Katsuragi: that would be a bad idea we don't know what sort of traps he has over there
Hibari: she is correct we can't go there blind
Yagyū: but Lucas did say he can bring his father to us
Ikaruga: but the main question is where are we going to kill Dōgen because if we do it at the house there will be tons of complaints from the neighbors

The girls think of another option and Miyabi just came up with the perfect idea
Miyabi: how about an empty warehouse there should be a nearby one somewhere close to Hanzo we should only go by night to avoid any detection
Imu: she is correct and in matter of fact let's go find Lucas real quick
Ryobi: yeah let's go find him

The shinobi disappears to Lucas location
At the park Lucas is talking to Jesse
Lucas: hey Jesse you need anything
Jesse: hey Lucas I think I have more information for you about your father
The shinobi arrives to hear more about this
Lucas: let's hear it
Erica:apparently your father must have done some really horrible things to some girls
Possible rape on some teenage girls and this was long before he killed James
Murasaki: disgusting
Jesse: from what else I know more about this is just before he killed James I heard from that academy that he is hiding in that he killed him because he was detain many times and that was the last straw.
Lucas: that is the last straw
Murakumo: sorry to interrupt here but Lucas we are planning on killing your father at a empty warehouse during the night will there be any people around there
Lucas: nope that place is always empty no one doesn't even go there so that is the perfect chance to get rid of him and once he is in there there won't be any chance of him getting out because I'll seal his power so he will be helpless. Brb I have to do something real quick

Lucas uses instant transmission to teleport at his dad location
Lucas see his dad sleeping
With the power that Lucas has, the aura that glows around his father seals his power away
Lucas: sealing complete you are useless now dad
Lucas teleports back to the park
Erica: y'all really want Dōgen dead
Asuka: you dam right we do
Erica: interesting
Lucas returns back to the park in his seat
Lucas: ok girls it's done I sealed his power so he will be completely useless so you know what to do when it's time for that girls
Homura: amazing I like that

Lucas: no problem Jesse let's go walk somewhere
Jesse: coming
Lucas: prepare yourself for this girls
Lucas and Jesse walk away from the park

Yagyū: Oh we will let's go back to the house so we can rest and prepare for our revenge
Asuka: Right
All of the shinobi left the park to get some rest at their home
(Chapter end)
Good job Lucas, Dōgen will not be expecting this here

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