Girls Night Out, Hyoki Plan goes into action(≧∀≦)

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The next day after James was finish reading the note and getting some sleep with his harem, the girls will be going on a girls night out just for them except for hyoki team since they clearly want to have some hardcore sex with James while his harem is out at the moment what will happen next
(Begin Chapter)
After breakfast while Hyoki was sitting at another table Asuka talks to James
Asuka: James
James: yes
Asuka: me and the girls are going out for girls night out we probably won't be back at around 7:00 is that ok with you
James: sure that works
Asuka: also if you be good without getting in any trouble I might bring something back for you
James: okay

All of the girls get dressed in their beautiful outdoor clothing
Hyoki: hmm everything is going according to plan
Asuka: can you open the door for us
James: sure thing
James opens the main entrance door for his harem
James: be safe
Yumi: we will see you later until we come back
The girls left to enjoy there night out
James: now what should I do now since I have free time there should be something I could do
While James was thinking in his mind
Hyoki are about to start there plan on getting marked by James
Reki: this is our only chance and we can't waste any time with them out of the way we need to get marked by him since our previous one are gone
Miki: indeed you are right I need his semen
Yuki: but we have to play this right
Maki: are y'all ready for this girls because there is no turning back
Hyoki & Reki: I've been more then ready
Yuki: ok then let's go get marked

Hyoki and her team are about to start their plan as they make there way towards James
Hyoki: James
James: hello there do you need something in this time of the day
Hyoki: yeah it's something pertaining to us and we need your help in getting it under control
James: so you need my help I'm to get whatever this is under control
Hyoki: yes
James: should I come right away
Hyoki: after we get dressed in some outfits then you can help us so be patient and we will call you in

James proceeds to sit down on the couch

5 minutes later
Hyoki & Team POV
Hyoki: the plan is working good and with no interruptions
Yuki: but you still have to tell him what your true plan there no hiding any further
Hyoki: after we have sex with him then I will tell him
Reki:we have the outfits prepare and ready to go so let's head to the bathroom
Miki: we can't do it in our room someone here might get suspicious
Maki: I'm sure the bathroom is quite big for all of us to go in there
Hyoki: let's go

In the bathroom POV

Hyoki: good thing I still got this outfit around and is in good condition

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Hyoki: good thing I still got this outfit around and is in good condition

Hyoki: good thing I still got this outfit around and is in good condition

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