5 || breaking news, Veritaserum is my worst enemy

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// heyyyy y'all. um. yeah it's been months oopsies- but DONT WORRY. this week I have a bunch of finals but after that I'm gonna try updating regularly (hopefully every other day). anyway, thanks so much for all the support, I really appreciate it, even though I disappeared after a week of writing this lol. also I've thought of a really cool idea for a sequel after this about Pansy (cuz I obviously adore her) and finding her soulmate (who's a Muggle) (prob an OC), so let me know if you'd enjoy that ahah. Anyway. I hope you enjoy!! //

Draco - September 1, 1998

Draco watched Harry walk up to the board, and he watched as all the color drained out of Harry's face as Harry scanned the list of roommates. Draco's heart dropped when he realized that there most likely was not going to be any magical I-actually-don't-hate-you moment when Harry found out who he'd be sleeping with for the next year.

Just in the same room, Draco, he corrected himself.

He watched as Harry said something to Weasley and bedrugingly walked through one of the archways that led to the boys' dormitories. He glanced at Pansy, but as she sashayed towards the girls' dormitories, Granger in tow, she simply turned back and winked at him.

Draco sighed and slowly made his way to his assigned room. The plaque on the cracked-open door read, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

Draco awkwardly stepped into the room and looked around. Harry had chosen the four-poster on the far wall next to the window and was silently unpacking his very messy trunk. Draco opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it and turned to start sorting out his own (much more organized) trunk. He heard a rustle to his right and looked over to see Harry hurrying toward the door, obviously avoiding looking at him.

Before thinking about the logic of it, Draco blurted, "Potter!"

Harry stopped and turned.

"What?" His voice was quiet but soothing, even as his bright green eyes flashed dangerously with a challenge but also a hint of... something else.

"Er- we should probably talk about... You know... The fact that we're-"

"No," Harry interrupted. Draco spluttered off.

"No," Harry continued, "we are not going to talk about that, now or ever, we are going to forget about this whole situation and pretend we have no relation to each other except as ex-enemies. Okay?"

Draco was spared from replying as a very loud clearing of a throat and then Dean's voice sounded throughout the 8th-year dormitory. Draco assumed he used sonorus.

"Attention, everyone! Once you all are settled, come on out to the common room cuz we wanna take advantage of these new... Privileges! Have some fun before classes begin! I'm thinking some... Truth or dare, perhaps? See you there!"

There was a silence, and Harry quickly left before Draco could say anything more.

As Draco slowly walked back out to the common area, he realized. Harry had said ex-enemies. This could mean they had a chance at being friends.

Draco awkwardly sat down next to Pansy, who exclaimed, "This is going to be fun!"

"Sure it will," Draco said.

"Come on, Dray, lighten up!" she teased. Lowering her voice, she added, "It'll be very fun when I dare you to kiss Potter."

She ignored him when Draco protested.

"Okay, everyone," Dean began when everyone had gathered, ringing around a large brown rug.

"Rules are simple. Choose truth or dare. Choose dare, you do the dare or switch to truth, do none and you don't wanna know what happens. Choose truth, you take a shot of this firewhiskey, spiked with veritaserum. That's so it only lasts a few minutes. That's it. Nothing's off limits, but no daring people to strip or shag. Snogging's fine, though. Anyone out? Last chance."

your name on my wrist || drarry soulmates auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat