6 || hey conversations, stop being awkward

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// idk why I felt the need to do dates, like it all happens throughout one year. oh well lol.

fun fact I've written every single one of these chapters so far on my phone but this is the first one i've written on my computer cuz it has to look like i'm doing homework.

also lol since i'm on hiatus from instagram this has turned into my random-ass-thoughts place so these author's notes will continue to be this long, feel free to skip them haha

my grammar and capitalization just say no during my a/ns lmao- //

Harry - September 1, 1998

As soon as he could, Harry escaped from the game of Truth or Dare. His heart wasn't into it, especially after what happened with Draco. Hardly anyone was involving Harry anyway as there were much more interesting things going on involving love - especially since everyone figured he was dating Ginny, and they know she could easily kick their asses if someone tried to take her man.

He technically was dating Ginny. But it didn't feel that way.

Harry took a deep breath as he stood in front of the door that would lead into a room he shared with his soulmate. After the events of that night, he had started truly thinking of Draco as his soulmate, and although it was strange and still felt unexpected, it was... nice, somehow.

He slowly turned the knob and walked in, but Draco's greeting of "Not a word, Potter," was certainly not nice.

"Actually, I was going to say-" Harry started, but Draco cut him off with a "Fuck off, please."

Harry sighed. Draco's side of the room was already dark, the curtains closed around his bed. Harry imagined Draco huddled up under the covers, mortified and feeling weak. If that happened to Harry, he sure would be.

Draco had never seemed anything but strong.

"Please. Just listen," Harry tried.

There was a moment of silence, and when Draco didn't tell him to shut the fuck up, Harry continued.

"I wanted to say thank you, for earlier. You may have done it just for yourself but I appreciate that you didn't reveal that I was your soulmate nonetheless. I know it might seem like... it might seem like I'm ashamed to be your soulmate but I'm really not, it's just new to me. We've been... enemies, I guess, since 1st year, and I'm still coming to terms with... well, with liking guys. I'm sorry if I made you feel like shit, I know I was rude earlier. But. You don't have to respond, just know... I've never actually hated you. I'm not mad about being your soulmate... I just don't know where this is going to go. I don't think I want it to go anywhere yet. I'm... dating Ginny, and I want that to go somewhere. But. Hopefully, we can at least be friends. Eventually."

Harry took a deep breath.

"So. Yeah. That's all."

Draco didn't respond.

Sighing, Harry turned and readied himself for bed - lessons were tomorrow and he figured he should take a hint from Draco and sleep early. He glanced over at Draco's bed, wondering if he'd ever have a chance to build a friendly relationship with him. (Nearly) everything he said was true, and he could only hope that Draco believed that.

Draco - September 2, 1998

Draco wasn't actually asleep. He hadn't been, not for all the hours after Harry's breathing had finally slowed and there was an occasional rustle as he turned over in his sleep. It was the wee hours of the morning and Draco was thinking about Harry, who had to have been fucking with him because who would apologize to him, and after thanking him for no reason?

your name on my wrist || drarry soulmates auUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum