9 || confrontation tingz

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// I'm so excited for this chapter ngl, i don't really know why but I wanted to write it as soon as I finished the last chapter but I didn't have time. so, the next day, here I am lol.

also omg my siblings and I are watching the show Merlin together and we just finished season 1 and dayum it's getting interesting and I ship Merlin and Arthur more every moment tsk tsk-

also y'all there are so many opportunities for dirty jokes in the beginning of this chapter just yknow... putting that out there...

anyway that's all I have to say atm, so I hope you enjoy!! //

Harry - September 5th, 1998

Harry frantically ushered Draco under the table, watching the three figures that had just entered the Three Broomsticks stand near the door. The clock was ticking, and soon they'd see him. Harry ignored the shiver that ran up his spine when he felt something large and warm press up against his leg, because it was that moment that the people noticed him.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna noticed him sitting there at the same time. It seemed they all wanted to confront him - well, Luna looked like she was just enjoying the girls' company, so it would make sense that she would just want to tag along - but regardless, they all approached the table, Ginny faster than all of them.

She looked mildly upset, and Harry gulped. The flower crown on her head somewhat reduced the effect, though.

"Harry!" she exclaimed. "I thought you said you had homework? And you couldn't hang out with me?"

"Er- yeah, I did," Harry said awkwardly. "See, the thing is, I finished one of my many essays sooner than I thought I would. And... I figured I'd take a break before tackling the rest. Also, I didn't know where you were in Hogsmeade and I didn't want to interrupt your hangout, or I would have come and found you."

Ginny still looked annoyed, but she just said, "Oh. Okay."

Hermione, on the other hand, was staring at Harry (very scarily, he might add), crossing her arms.

"Is that so, Harry. Who else were you with?" she cocked her head, not breaking eye contact.

Harry nearly panicked. How the heck did she know? Was Draco's shoe sticking out? Harry felt Draco stiffen under the table when he heard that.

"W-what?" Harry said, trying not to act suspicious as the three girls observed him. "I wasn't with anybody. If I was with anybody it'd be Ginny, but you know that's not the case!"

He tried to hold Hermione's severe eye contact, but when she said, "Who's the second cup of butterbeer for?" his eyes immediately attached to the glass that was suspiciously near to the other side of the table.

"No one. Myself. I wanted an extra, you know how much I love butterbeer!" Harry said, heart beating out of his chest.

Ginny relaxed at this, and started looking bored. She said "I'm gonna go order," and turned around, walking towards the counter at the front of the pub. Hermione stared at Harry's nearly full glass of butterbeer, but just sighed and said, "We'll talk about this later, Harry," and followed Ginny.

Luna watched them leave, then leaned forward and looked at Harry with her wide eyes. She adjusted the flower crown on her head as she said, "Tell Draco that your two auras match. It's lovely to look at, when you're next to each other. It feels all shimmery, and warm."

She then turned, not noticing Harry's shocked expression, and went to rejoin the girls. 

Harry just sat for a moment, nerves calming, before he noticed that there was something periodically hitting his legs. Hard. 

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