Itsuka Kendo x Female! Mother! Reader

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Prompt: My Favorite Flower
Age: 17
Quirk: Ghost Garden
The user can summon ghosts as long as they have more than one flower in their palm. As the ghosts stay, the flower wilts and the ghosts last as long as the flower is well. The ghosts will get weaker as the flowers wilt, so when the flower wilts completely, the ghosts disappear.

I was in Class 1B, talking to Shiozaki. The door suddenly opened and we got into our seats, thinking it was Mr. Seikijiro. Instead, a little girl with a basket in her arms ran in with Mr. Seikijiro chasing her. I ran towards the kid and stood between her and Mr. Seikijiro.

"(L/N), I must retrieve the child." Mr. Seikijiro said.

"I apologize, Mr. Seikijiro, but I would do anything for my children. Even if it means getting in trouble." I looked at my daughter and then my teacher.

"Your children?" He said confused. "You got pregnant? How old are the children?"

"I didn't get pregnant. The kids were born Quirk-wise. The little girl I'm the red cloak is my daughter, Sampaguita. Inside the basket is my recently born son, Katipunan." Mr. Seikijiro nodded and I faced my daughter and kneeled. "What is so important that you must run away from the babysitter?" Sampaguita pulled her hood down and her face was stained with tears. "What happened?" The babysitter I left them with ran in with a needle. "Jara-San? Why are you holding needles? And why are you in the school?"

"I was giving the children medicine." She responded.

"My babies do NOT take medication!" I yelled. Jara-San flinched at my voice and put the needles in her purse. "Leave now! I don't want to kill you in front of my children!" Jara-San ran out and Sampaguita calmed me down. "I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Seikijiro. I love my children too much to have hurt or harmed."

"I understand. That's how parents are with their children. Sampaguita and Katipunan may stay. But please find another babysitter for them." I sat down in my desk and Sampaguita sat down on the floor next to me.


I sat down at a table with my kids, Shiozaki, Honenuki, and Tetsutetsu (Author-San has to make a oneshot with them). We were all just talking. Kendo sat down on my right (the kids on my left).

"Hey, Kendo!" I said with a smile. A small tiny of pink complimented her cheeks as well as a smile on her face.

"Hey, (L/N)."

"Actually, now that I think about it, just call me (Y/N). You guys too." I said everyone. We all talked, but I mostly talked to Kendo.

"Mommy, is she your girlfriend?" Sampaguita asked. I felt my face heat up.

"S-Sampaguita! I'm single!" I exclaimed.

"I can see with that attitude." She mumbled.

"The hell you said?!" I yelled.

"I can see why you're single with an attitude like that!" She yelled back. We sometimes yelled at each other, but it was only as a tease.

"Says you!" We yelled back and forth until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kendo.

"It's quite alright, (Y/N)." Kendo said and I blushed. I grabbed her collar and pulled her closer.

"That fight wasn't real. We tease each other sometimes." I let her go and waited for Sampaguita and Katipunan to finish eating. After school, I met up with Kendo and went home. We talked most of the way and she was even nice enough to help me find a new babysitter. I knew she was perfect all along. After getting the kids to bed, I watched a movie with Kendo. "Y'know, Kendo, I like orange flowers. The kind of orange that matches your hair."

"You must like the color orange, then." I nodded.

"I like how orange looks like the kind of color that is energetic. It's pretty. Like you." I mumbled the last part but Kendo heard it and blushed. "I-I meant that in a friendly manner!"

"Oh..." she sounded disappointed but smiled. "Thanks!" I grabbed her cheek and leaned in.

"I lied." I kissed her and she surprisingly kissed back.

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