Neito Monoma x Female! Intimidating! Reader

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Prompt: If You Don't Shut Up, I'll Make you
Age: 17
Quirk: Nightmares
The user can make anyone's nightmare appear in front of them. It is visible to the user, opponent, and bystanders. Although, the nightmare with only listen to the user. It takes stamina to keep the nightmare going so the user will be tired after they make the nightmare disappear if it was there for over a few minutes.

I was sparring against Class B as Aizawa had instructed. Everyone had to spar someone. I was up against their exchange student, Yuu Gitoro. Yuu was here to decide if he wanted to stay or not. He would've able to experience all courses and he went with Class B for the hero course. I pinned him to the ground with his back facing up.

"Not bad, Gitoro." I said as I got off him and helped him up. "You're doing great!" I gave him a thumbs up and I heard him say 'yes' under his breath. Then I heard someone tell him to be careful around me.

"Be careful around (L/N), Gitoro. She can be scary." I walked back up to Gitoro and saw Honenuki.

"Watch your mouth, Honenuki. I'm trying to be nicer. Be glad I'm not tempted to locking you in a room with your nightmares." I walked back down with an annoyed face. I walked back to the girls locker room, everyone naturally avoiding me. Even the girls changed on the other side of the room. After that, it was lunchtime. I sat down at a table alone. Itsuka Kendo sat next to me and she tried to talk to me.

"I saw you with Honenuki-Kun earlier when we were sparring. If you don't mind me asking, is it true that you are trying to be nicer?" She said.

"Yeah, it's true. People keep complaining that I'm too mean and commanding so I'm trying to change." We talked for a bit before Monoma sat beside me and started annoying me. I started to get a headache from him. "Monoma, shut up. I have a headache."

"Good." He kept annoying me and Kendo tried to stop him. I grabbed him by the collar and stood up. I would pull him closer to me but I had platforms on today so I was slightly taller.

"If you won't shut up, I'll make you." I said trying to be intimidating. His annoying smirk didn't wipe off his face. I slightly blushed at how close he was.

"What are you going to do? Hurt me? That's not very heroic, now is it? Especially since you're supposed to be better me and my class." I pulled him closer, our lips about a centimeter apart.

"I won't do anything too major." By now, almost the whole lunchroom was staring at us.

"Do it. I dare you. You can't." I could tell he didn't know what I was talking about. He just said that.

"I will." I kissed him, not wanting to pull apart. He tugged on my shirt signalling that he needed air. I pulled away and breathed deeply. I put him down and ate my food. And then I left like nothing happened. During break, I said he could come over to my house. He somehow agreed. I said my dad wouldn't be home until next week.


I sat at dinner with my dad, Monoma, and older brother. "Neito," my dad says. "Follow me and (B/N) upstairs. We have questions."

Dad's POV
I walked upstairs with Neito and (B/N). We stopped in my room and me and my son faced Neito. "What do you have to say about you and (Y/N)'s relationship?" What he said took us by surprise, especially since it was 6 words. I looked at (B/N) who nodded and I did too. I held out my hand for Neito to shake. "Welcome to the family, Neito. Take good care of my daughter." We walked back downstairs.

(Y/N)'s POV
After dinner, I asked Neito what he told my dad and brother to make them agree to welcome him to the family. He leaned into my ear and whispered...

"You're daughter calls me daddy, too."

(The ending BONUS was inspired by another story. I forgot what it was about but I like the ending.)

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