Spinner x Female! Reader

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Prompt: Jealous
Age: 17
Quirk: Lag
The user can make anything they touch lag. Ex: If the user touched a person running, they would lag and change running directions.

I was in the bar with Toga. We were talking about how good blood is and how nice it is to see someone bloody or beat up.

"And then I saw a beat up Izuku! He looked so cute that way!" She said in her usual high voice.

"Aww! I wish I saw it! That sounds so nice! Describe how he looked." We were both so energetic, loved blood, and had a lot in common. I saw her as a sister to me. Unlike her, I went to school. I was a Junior at the high school.

"His right arm was purple, he had a black eye, there were bruises here and there, and he was unable to walk!" We squealed. I could just imagine Izuku looking beat up. Spinner and Dabi walked into the bar.

"You two are so loud." Dabi said. "I could clearly hear you from upstairs even with headphones on."

"Come on! Just turn the music up all the way!" I exclaimed.

"I did and yet I still heard you." Dabi said.

"Tomura~Kun still cares about us!" Toga said. "We're going to prove our point." Me and Toga screamed at the top of our lungs and Tomura and Kurogiri came running down from upstairs.

"What happened?!" Tomura yelled.

"Dabi and Spinner said they would kill us!" I said.

"No, we didn't! I didn't even say anything!" Spinner said.

"He's lying. Me and Toga were talking and they said they would kill us if we didn't quiet down!" I said.

"Don't kill each other." Kurogiri and Tomura walked back upstairs.

"See? They care." Toga said and started to do my hair.

"Whatever." Spinner said and sat down next to me. Dabi got some alcohol. I slightly blushed. I had developed feelings for Spinner ever since I got to know him. Toga leaned onto the counter and looked at me.

"Aww is someone blushing? Thinking of a certain someone?" She said and Dabi and Spinner looked at me. I blushed harder. She knew Spinner was my crush.

"Y-yeah... I thinking of him again." I admitted. The boys didn't have to know it was Spinner. Toga squealed.

"Tell the details!" She said. "Tell us what you think of him! The boy you like!"

"Well, he's nice. I like how strong he can be and I find it funny when he's annoyed or upset. When he's annoyed and/or upset, he yells. I can't help but laugh but I hide it to not make him annoyed even more. He likes to hurt people. I like that. He's somewhat like me. He follows Stain. I don't really follow Stain, but we both take pleasure in hurting people. I don't know why he likes to hurt others, but it's seeing people crying for help and seeing them all bloody and beat up. It's just a wondrous sight to me and it's like music to my ears. He's obsessed with Stain to the point where he copies his clothing, weaponry style, the same ideals, and make his dreams come true. But I hate it when he's distracted when a girl compliments him. I usually end up killing the girl that complimented him. I want him to be mine and only mine. I don't want to sound greedy or anything, but I can't help it. I love him too much to live without him loving me back. If he doesn't like me back, I may as well be dead. I hate it when he's hurt. When he's hurt, I'm very sad. And when I'm very sad, I cry. If someone hurt them, I'll kill them if it's possible."

Spinner's POV

Hearing (Y/N)'s description of her crush, I felt jealous. I've always liked (Y/N) the moment I saw her.

"That's lame." Dabi commented. "That's so yandere and sappy of you. It's disgusting. Don't get so caught up in all your emotions." (Y/N) pinned him to a wall with a knife against his throat.

"Listen, burnt man. I love that man with all my heart. You don't know a thing about love, so you don't know how I feel. You'll just be lonely forever at this rate! No one to love, no one to trust, no one to be there for you, and no one to take care of you or help you when you need someone!" I saw tears stream down (Y/N)'s cheek." She backed up and kicked Dabi's stomach making him bend over and hold his stomach. She stomped off to her room in a huff. We just watched her go upstairs and heard the door slam.

"Geez, what's her problem? I'm just saying it's disgusting to be like that to a person." Dabi said and went upstairs to his room.

"Y'know, Spinner, she really does love him." Toga said. I looked at her. "She's told me all about him. What about you?"

"I'm jealous. I like (Y/N) but she likes that man she described." Toga started laughing. "It's not funny! I really do love her." She calmed down.

"(Y/N) likes you. YOU were the man she described. I just found it funny that she has been giving you hints for so long and you didn't even notice. Now go get your girl! She's most likely balling her eyes out. Cheer her up and confess." I nodded and went upstairs to (Y/N)'s room.

(Y/N)'s POV
I lied down on my bed, crying and hugging my pillow. I buried my face into it. I'm sensitive. Didn't Dabi know that? He could of at least said that in a way that didn't sound so offensive. There was a knock on my door and sat up.

"Come in." I said, not caring if they saw me crying. Spinner walked in and locked the door behind him. He walked in, took off his shoes, and sat on the Queen-sized bed. I lied back down.

"So how are you holding up?" He asked. I shook my head and stood up.

"It's just that, Dabi knows I'm sensitive. He could've at least said that in a way that wasn't so offensive." He crawled over to me on the bed and took the pillow away from me. I tried to grab it back from him but he held it away. "Give it back! That's my favorite pillow!" He put two fingers on my forehead and stroked it down to my nose. He did that repeatedly until I calmed down. He was the only one who knew that calmed me down.

"Look, you little shit. I fuckin' love you and I think it's about time you fuckin' acknowledge that." I covered my mouth in surprise. I hugged him and buried my face into the crook of his neck.

"I love you, too, Spinner." He gave me back my pillow and I snuggled it. "Does that mean...?"

"Yes. Yes, it does."

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