Chapter 4: Escape

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[she turns and looks up]
Tauriel: I have walked there sometimes, beyond the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away and the white light forever fill the air.
(Y/n): I saw a fire moon once. It rose over the pass near Dunland. Huge! Red and gold it was, it filled the sky. We were an escort for some merchants from Ered Luin, they were trading in silverwork for furs. We took the Greenway south, keeping the mountain to our left, and then it appeared. This huge fire moon lighting our path. I wish I could show you...
[as Tauriel sits next to his cell to listen to his story we see Legolas standing above where the cells are located, not looking happy as he listens to them]
[still in his invisible state Bilbo goes to the wine cellar]
Lethuin: Galion, you old rogue! We're running out of drink.
Elros: These empty barrels should have been sent to Esgaroth hours ago. The party have been waiting for them.
Lethuin: Say what you like about our ill tempered King he has excellent taste in wine. Come, Elros, try it.
[Bilbo spots the prison cell keys in Elros' hand]
Elros: I have the dwarves and the man in my charge.
Lethuin: They're locked up, where can they go?
[he takes the keys to the cells from Elros and hangs them on the wall nearby]
[as they sit in their prison cells]
Bofur: I'll wager the sun in on the rise. Must be nearly dawn.
Ori: We're never gonna reach the mountain, are we?
[suddenly Bilbo appears from around the corner]
Bilbo: Not stuck in here you're not.
[he puts the ring in his pocket then holds up the massive key chain holding the keys to the cells]
Balin: Bilbo!
[the dwarves and (y/n) start cheering among themselves as Bilbo starts unlocking each cell]
Bilbo: Ssh! There are guards, nearby!
[he frees Thorin first, then Balin then goes down the step to free the other dwarves and they start walking up the stairs]
Kili: What's that?
Dwalin: You first.
Dori: Ori!
Bilbo: Not that way. Down here, follow me!
Bombur: Which way?
(Y/n): Bilbo where do we go?.
Bilbo: Come on!
[they follow Bilbo down to the wine cellar]
[when the company reaches the wine cellar, they find Elros and Lethuin passed out drunk and snoring; whispering to the dwarves]
Bilbo: This way.
[the dwarves hesitate]
Bilbo: Come on!
Kili: I don't believe it, we're in the cellars!
Bofur: You're supposed to be leading us out not further in!
Bilbo: I know what I'm doing!
Bofur: Ssh!
Bilbo: Okay, this way. This way.
[he points the direction the dwarves need to take, meanwhile the Elf guards find the dwarves missing from their cells and raise the alarm]
Bilbo: Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!
(Y/n): You want us to do what!.
Dwalin: Are you mad? They'll find us!
Bilbo: No, no. They won't! I promise you. Please, please, you must trust me!
[the dwarves start mumbling amongst each other, Bilbo looks at Thorin in frustration]
Thorin: Do as he says!
(Y/n): If you say so Thorin.
[the dwarves climb into the empty wine barrels, Bofur sticks his head out]
Bofur: What do we do now?
[the other dwarves and (y/n) stick their heads out of their barrels looking at Bilbo]
(Y/n): God it small in here.
Bilbo: Hold your breath.
Bofur: Hold my breath? What do you mean?
[Bilbo then pulls a lever which opens the floorboards dropping the barrels containing the dwarves down into the river, as the floorboard closes the noise wakes the two drunk elves and Bilbo stands there alone wondering how he'd forgotten to include himself in the escape plan]
[after the elves discover that the dwarves have escaped]
Tauriel: Where is the keeper of the keys?
[meanwhile Bilbo frantically tries to get the floorboard to rise by stomping on it with his foot and just before he gets caught the floorboard slides down making Bilbo slide down and fall into the river, before the floorboard closes Tauriel and the other elves arrive; down below in the river, Bilbo is caught by the dwarves, still in their barrels]
Thorin: Well done, Master Baggins.
[Bilbo raises his hand to dismiss it]
(Y/n): Smart plan Bilbo.
Thorin: Go, come on let's go!
[the company float across the water in their barrels until they reach the waterfall]
Balin: Hold on!
[the company fall down the waterfall and are sent downstream with the elves chasing after them]
[to one of the guards]
Legolas: [subtitled] Shut the gate!
[the guard sounds the alarm for the gates to be shut and the elf guards on the other side of the river close the gates before Thorin and the rest of the company can pass through]
Thorin: No!
[as the elves get ready to capture the company suddenly an arrow is fired and it hits one of the elf guards, and an Orc jumps up from behind him and the elf falls into the river]
Bofur: Watch out!
[the Orcs, led by Bolg start attacking the elves]
Bolg: [subtitled] Slay them all!
[shouting to the other dwarves as the elves and Orcs are fighting]
Thorin: Get over the bridge!
[suddenly the Orcs start attacking them, Bilbo uses his sword to stab one of them]
Dwalin: Die!
[as the Orcs and the company fight it out,(y/n) tries to run up the bridge and open the gate but he's shot in the leg by an arrow]
(Y/n): Ahh.
[(y/n)falls down before he can open the gate and another Orc comes upon him]
[before the Orc can attack (y/n) an arrow hits the Orc killing him,(y/n) looks over and sees that Tauriel had shot the arrow, she then starts to battle it out with the other Orcs]
Bolg: [subtitled] Kill her! Kill the She-Elf!
[as the Orcs go to attack Tauriel the other elves arrive led by Legolas and they start killing the Orcs; at the same time in his weakened state (y/n) manages to open the gate allowing the rest of the company to escape down the river, Bolg notices this and commands his Orcs]
Bolg: [subtitled] After them!
[in great pain (y/n) manages to jump down into one of the empty barrels]
Fili: (y/n)!
(Y/n): I'm alright, Just...Stings.
[Tauriel notices this before she's attacked by another Orc, as Legolas and Tauriel fight it out with the remaining Orcs, the rest of the Orcs chase after the company down the river, the dwarves manage to kill a few along the way before Legolas catches up and kills them all with Thorin managing to save him from being hit by one of Orcs]
[after killing the Orcs Legolas watches the dwarves and (y/n) being taken down the river by the current, one Orc, Narzug, quietly comes up behind him and shoots his arrow but Tauriel arrives in time to deflect the arrow, she manages to subdue him and just as she's about to kill him Legolas stops her]
Legolas: [subtitled] Tauriel, wait! This one we keep alive.
[at the same time Bolg and the rest of his Orcs have caught up with the company]
Bolg: [subtitled] After them! Cut them off! [Legolas and Tauriel watch them from the distance as they go after the company]

[meanwhile, Gandalf finds the tombs of the Nazgûl and finds them empty, at that moment a bird flies out of the tomb, Gandalf turns in shock and finds Radagast standing behind him]
Gandalf: Oh, it's you.
Radagast: Why am I here, Gandalf?
Gandalf: Trust me, Radagast, I would not have called you here without good reason.
Radagast: This is not a nice place to meet.
Gandalf: No, it is not.
Radagast: These are dark spells, Gandalf. Old and full of hate. Who's buried here?
Gandalf: If he had a name, it's long since been lost. He would've been known only as a servant of evil. One of a number. One of nine.
[walking outside the cave]
Radagast: Why now, Gandalf? I don't understand.
Gandalf: The Ringwraiths have been summoned to Dol Guldur.
Radagast: But it cannot be the Necromancer. A human sorcerer could not summon such evil.
Gandalf: Who said it was human? The nine only answer to one master. We've been blind, Radagast. And in our blindness, the enemy has returned. He is summoning his servants. Azog the Defiler is no ordinary hunter. He is a commander, a commander of legions. The enemy is preparing for war. It will begin in the east. His mind is set upon that mountain.
[Gandalf starts walking off]
Radagast: Where are you going?
Gandalf: To rejoin the others.
Radagast: Gandalf!
[Gandalf turns to Radagast]

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