Chapter 29-2

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"Alright, fill me in on the details." Dara picked up her cup of lemongrass tea. After brushing her teeth and eating a quick breakfast, she was finally seated in the garden with Bom Kwon. There was a blanket over her legs, and she was itching to chuck it as far away as possible.

Jiyong was nowhere to be seen and she hoped he went back to work. She felt guilty that he had to rush home so quickly. The only way she could soothe his worries was by promising she would not overexert herself or head off to work.

Bom Kwon took a sip of her tea and looked around. Originally, she was eager to tell Dara everything, but now that the time has arrived to spill some tea [1], she couldn't find the right words for it.

"Well?" Dara asked, setting the cup down. She raised her fork and sliced through the strawberry shortcake. Her eyes lazily scanned the serene and secluded environment. They were sitting underneath a white gazebo, catching shade from the sunlight, and enjoying the good weather at the same time.

"U-uhm..." Bom Kwon licked her lips and played with the hem of her dress. "I-I..." She stammered, picking up the cup of tea and downing it in a few gulps. "IranintoNickHyun!" She haphazardly rushed out her words, merging it into a sentence.

"Huh?" Dara had a stupefied expression on her face.

"I...I might've run into Nickhyun." Bom Kwon whispered, "Well, run isn't the proper term for it. More like he showed up to my house, well your house, but still."

"What?!" Dara gasped, her fork clattering onto the grass. A maid immediately walked forward with a new fork. "Thank you." She muttered under her breath, surprising the maid who nearly lost her footing.

The maid's eyes shook and her only reaction was to bow and scurry off. It was the first time someone expressed words of gratitude towards her.

"My goodness, Bom. You need to spill out the whole story right now!" Dara exasperated, her eyes glued on Bom Kwon who picked up her empty cup of tea, expecting for something to drink.

Usually, it was the maids' job to refill the cups, but Dara was just so eager to hear the rest of the story, she picked up the teapot and filled it for Bom Kwon.

"Alright, here goes nothing..." Bom Kwon trailed off.

- - - - -

A few days ago.


"Oh, for the love of everything holy, will you shut up?!" Bom Kwon screamed from the top of the stairs, her eyes wide with rage. She was sporting her crayon shin-chan pajamas and birds nest hair. It was Saturday morning, a day where she was supposed to sleep until the afternoon. It was barely six in the morning and someone was already blowing up the bell at the front door. Even the servants had not come to work yet!


"Oh my god, I'm coming already!" Bom Kwon growled. She was ready to side-kick and judo flip whoever it was at the door. She was never an early bird and after so many sleepless nights, she was on the verge of insanity.

She swung the door open. "Do you want to get shot? Because that's how you get shot by my bodyguards—"

Her rationality flew out the window, just like her soul currently drifting to Heaven. Her groggy eyes widened a fraction. She was rudely slapped awake by the presence of a man she never thought she would see again.

Nickhyun let out a burst of wry laughter. "Well, good morning to you too. For the record, I see bullets in slow motion—"


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