Chapter 14

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Just as Dara Park left Kwon Jiyong's office, she received a phone call from her grandfather. She checked the date and realized that a couple of days had already passed and he might be calling her to assume her role as a consultant.

She picked up the call but before she could even greet him, he had already started speaking.

"What are you doing at Kwon Enterprise?" He didn't bother beating around the bush and decided to confront her on the most pressing issue.

Dara Park frowned at his words. She couldn't help but look around for his people, but alas, they were well-hidden. She figured one of her hidden bodyguards reported to him but she didn't think they would move this fast.

"You always seem to skip the greetings, grandfather. That's not polite." She said, walking down the long path leading to the sidewalks. Once she reached the main road, she hailed down a cab. The street was bustling with cars and people walking.

"Greetings are pointless phrases to establish a good relationship. We already have one, why establish it further?" He told her, his words an obvious stab to Xuxu who always greeted him. The poor secretary could do nothing but look away in shame.

"Now answer my question. What were you doing there? Were you consulting for that Kwon Kiyong?" Elder Park was lenient when it came to his grandchildren and didn't really care where they used their skills, but Dara Park was someone very useful to him.

As much as he liked Kwon Jiyong, it wasn't enough for him to allow her to use her skills to help Kwon Enterprise. He wouldn't let anyone use his granddaughter the same way that Ang scum did. He had harnessed her skill for years, he wasn't going to let his star pupil slip away from him again.

Xuxu sighed upon hearing the same mispronunciation of Kwon Jiyong's name. It seemed his stubborn boss would continue using that nickname, regardless of the consequences...He wanted to correct it, but seeing how adamant Elder Park was on doing so, he figured there was no need in attempting to fix it.

Dara Park raised a brow at his words. "Why do men always jump to conclusions?" She voiced her thoughts out loud.

"Don't change the topic." Elder Park told her with a frown.

"I was not consulting for Kwon Jiyong."

"Then what were you doing there?" He suspiciously asked her, thinking back to the envelope she had been holding that his men had reported to him.

"I had something to give him." She vaguely said just as a cab pulled up in front of her. She climbed in, placed her phone away from her ears, and gave the driver her desired location.

"What did you give him?" He continued to interrogate her.

Gray, who was currently sitting in the same room as Elder Park, thought this grandfather was too protective of her. He understood Elder Park had intentions of keeping her skills to himself but did his boss really have to go to such extent on asking these many questions?

"Just a few files with regards to his hospitalization." She faintly said. She didn't want to tell him that she had contacted Kiki Xu to dig into Kwon Jiyong's assassination.

For some reason, her grandfather never liked him. Their first encounter had been terrible because it was the exact moment that Dara Park gave Kiki Xu a thick wad of money. And because Elder Park had checked Kiki Xu's background, he discovered the young man was from a very impoverished background. Thus, he thought Kiki Xu was only friends with Dara Park for money.

Even after her grandfather's constant pestering, she still remained friends with the boy.

"That's all?" Elder Park felt his anger die down at her words. She rarely lied to him and he took it as the truth.

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