Chapter 19

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The reporters held their breaths in anticipation, onlookers anxiously awaited the next big-shot to step out of their car, and fans clutched their phones. Loud chatter filled the air, a combination of chants and shouts from reporters to socialites, asking them to strike a pose.

A black Lincoln Limousine pulled up to the carpet.

Suddenly, time seemed to stop as one long and smooth elegant leg climbed out of the car, followed by another. When the woman clads in gold emerged from the car, an uproar was heard.

"It's Dara Park, the previous Queen!"

"Oh my goodness, Kwon Jiyong's woman has arrived to the banquet!"

"Is she here to personally represent Park Corporation?"

"That dress...woah...."

"Isn't that the highly anticipated dress from BKN?! I thought it hasn't come out yet!"

"As expected, her crown might be taken, but her wealth hasn't!"

"Why isn't she here with Kwon Jiyong?" This comment was purposely thrown out to pour dirt onto Dara Park. The woman who made this comment quickly slipped out of the crowd, a cruel smirk on her face.

Her words were the spark that started the fire. Soon, whispers of what happened the previous day could be heard.

"Hah! Of course, it must be because he was furious after discovering she had a side-man the entire time!"

"She still has the guts to show up to this banquet knowing he might also attend! How shameless."

"As expected of a vile socialite."

"Get ready guys, there's going to be a humiliation scene again tonight! Starring Dara Park as the main heroine, or should I say the villain!"

Dara Park ignored the stares and shouts as she slightly tilted her head to Bom Kwon who urged her to go first. She would not steal her limelight. It was time for her Dara to shine brighter than the stars!

When Dara Park took a confident step forward, it was followed by another, until she strutted with poise to the center of the red carpet, her dazzling dress awing the masses.

Donning an off-shoulder A-line dress with laced yellow cuffs hanging low on her shoulders, the dress hugged her body in all of the right places. Threads made from solid gold wrapped itself around the dress, the magnificent lace made her look like royalty.

The actual gown stopped a few inches above her knee, but there was another layer of ingeniously folded silken fabric draping from the left of her waist, and to the right was a see-through fabric with exquisite golden details at the hem. With each sway, it was like a sea of gold was surrounding her. She was a vision to behold and with the flashes, the dress shone and glittered, shining brightly [1].

The people were left speechless upon seeing how well this dress complemented her. Was she truly a fallen Queen? Are you sure she wasn't the Empress?!

Everyone was left stunned by her impeccable beauty. Long lashes that framed her unbelievably sharp and clear eyes, high bridged nose of royalty, lips as rosy as a freshly fallen petal, and skin as translucent as fair as snow, she was nothing like the humiliated woman that the people once remembered her as.

Even the celebrities sharing the carpet with her were blown away by her appearance. Despite having their spotlight stolen by her, they were not completely aware of it, and instead, concentrated on staring at her, their mouths agape.

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