Chapter 12

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*For anyone who's interested, links to my Instagram and Tiktok are in my bio. It has art and cosplay on them. I might add some story sneak peeks on there as well.*

*Enjoy your morning/evening/night. *

As the rest of the students made their way towards the stage where Hound dog stood, Mic was having a nice chat with Nezu who decided to join him in announcing the next part of the festival. Everyone was getting ready, wondering what the next round would be and how they would get past it, hopefully as a team.

"And the next round is..." Hound dog started as the options spun around. " capture the flag. Get yourselves into two teams. The team that wins will proceed to the next round." After his explanation, 2-A already huddled together. They only needed eight more teammates and then their team would be completed.

Surprisingly, a few people came up to their group, asking to join. They were Mei, Kendo, TetsuTetsu and five others from general studies. The rest of the support course and general studdies, along with 2-B were on the other team.

They were given five minutes to create a plan. And boy did Izuku make a plan, he made a whole list of plans ranging from A-Z.


As expected, the team consisting of all of class 2-A ran out. They all had a task and had multiple plans to follow. Midoryia, Momo and Kendo made a plan together and discussed among themselves strategies. With Kendo's help, they were able to get an insight into 2-B's quirks and any weaknesses that she knew. It was very helpful.

While Tokoyami, Soji and Ojiro ran together, their task was a distraction, Tetsutetsu and Kirishima ran side-by-side taking the brute force of the attacks. Momo, Kendo, Bakugou and Todoroki covered the duo when they needed time to get their quirks up and running again. It was an amazing display of teamwork and strategies for the crowd and a hard time for the other team. Hagukure stayed behind with Jiro, Shinsou and also Sero, keeping their flag protected.  

Mina was able to keep the vines away as much as she could with the help of Midoryia. It was decided that it would be best if he helped Mina instead of leading the charge. The battle which looked hectic was over in seven minutes. Dark Shadow was able to capture the flag while most of the team was distracted. His group was the initial distraction but when the rest of the team came onto the battlefield, they were to capture the flag.


Hound Dog was announcing the winners when his microphone was cut off. Nezu, from the announcer's booth, mumbled a quick apology before the screen that showed the scores and battles for the next round changed. After a few moments, a man appeared on it. The man was wearing a general's uniform and the audience went silent along with the students.

"My humblest apologies for interrupting your sports festival but I had to make an important announcement to someone," He paused after the sentence and looked to where the students stood. Midoryia stood up straighter and acted like his old agent self. " Will the leader of the Alpha squad step forwards," His voice was cold and authoritative. Everyone looked around, wanting to see who the leader of the Alpha squad was. Without hesitation, Midoryia started to walk forwards. Bowing to the General, he looked up and stated loudly and clearly while saluting, " Leader of the Alpha squad ready for duty, sir!" People were shocked. His classmates were in a state of shock and awe as they looked towards the greenette. " Get ready and Suit up in ten. A form of transportation will arrive shortly," With that command, Midoryia nodded, stated "Sir, yes Sir!" before jogging to his dorm.

"Sorry for the interruption, have a nice day." And with that last sentence, everything went back to normal. But, without the greenette who brought the class closer together.

Two students ran after the greenette, trying to find him. "Deku!" "Midoriya!" The two shouted simultaneously as they saw the greenette walk closer to the car. " I must go, sorry guys," Midoryia looked back at them and smiled. " Wai-" Bakugou started, calling out for the childhood friend that he just got back. " promise me you will come back!" The blond shouted. Todoroki was right behind him, shouting out his plea. " Please come back!" Midoriya looked at the drive and heald up three fingers, then he walked towards the duo. " I promise to come back, I want to see you both again. But right now, I have a mission to complete," He stood on his tiptoes and gave the both of them a kiss on their cheeks and pulled them into a hug.

Climbing into the car, Bakugou shouted one last thing. " You better come back soon, I'll miss you!" As the last letter left his mouth, the car drove away. "He'll come back, right?" Todorki asked the blond. Neither of them knew for sure that he would come back, alive that is.

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