Chapter 1

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" There's no nice way to say this but, I'm sorry but your son is quirkless," The doctor explained and gestured to the x-ray on the wall and went to explain how people with quirks don't have an extra toe joint and how Izuku did. Inko quickly apologized to the doctor for wasting his time and out of the corner of Izuku's eye, he sware that he saw the doctor give him a saddened smile before the door was slammed in his face. 

Breaking the silence that grew in the car Izuku asked his mother is she was okay. " Mummy? Are you okay?" His voice was full of innocence and hope.  Once the word 'mummy' flew out of Izuku's mouth, Inko wanted to stop the car and scream at the boy but it would have to wait until they got home to show him her opinion of the quirkless population. He was thrown into the apartment and was met with a swift kick to his stomach. Izuku was crying out in pain, asking for his mother to stop all the while she had a sick smile was plastered on the older women's features. " M-mu-" He was cut off by his own painful cry. " I'm not the mother of a useless brat!" She shouted at the boy who had accumulated a small puddle of blood underneath him. Little did she knew, those words would be his fuel. His fuel to prove everyone wrong and to make sure they all knew why he was broken. 

Hope glistened in the greenette's eyes as he thought of his childhood friend. Surely he will accept him and help him. Quickly learning how to bandage his wounds, the four-year-old would have to mature drastically to keep us with all that the world would throw at him. Falling into a deep slumber, Izuku found a peaceful place in his mind. There were streaks of green, orange and yellow light in the sky and he was walking on water. It was perfect, it was his. You see, Izuku couldn't call anything his as it would be taken away from him. Even before being diagnosed quirkless, he was still bullied because of his timid nature and his fascination for analysing heroes. " Greetings, Izuku," A voice greeted him as the void showed a figure, it's features hidden but by their voice, he determined them to be female. " H-hello," His timid voice echoed through the place. " Keep your head up and take everything thrown at you with hope, things will get better," The voice reassured him. Unfortunately, he was waking up but he wanted to ask them more questions.

Groaning he woke up to his 'mother' shouting at him to get up. Izuku got up and got dressed him his kindergarten uniform, hope in his eyes. " Get out brat!" She shouted as a piece of toast was thrown at him. Walking to school, he chose to listen to the voice. Even if he was quirkless, he will become a pillar, a pillar of hope.  " Deku! Have you got your quirk yet?! " Bakugou asked while a few small explosions went off in his hands in anticipation. " Sorry, Kaccham. I don't have one," Izuku mumbled. But as fate would have it, he acted the same way as his mother and was thrown to the floor and explosions went off in his face. A teacher came to see what the problem was but left after Bakugou shouted " Quirkless Deku!" at him and everyone avoided him as if he was a villain or had a decease. He was tormented for the rest of the day and walked back to the house that no longer felt like home. 

Opening the door, he found it empty. 'Maybe she's at work' Izuku thought as he went to the bathroom to clean himself up from the day's torment. Inko came back close to midnight and went straight to sleep, ignoring a sleeping Izuku that was on the sofa. Morning came and Izuku decided to make himself some breakfast before he left for school. Another day of being called names and Bakugou using his quirk on him went by quickly. 'Hope, there will be something waiting for me.' Izuku thought and put a smile on his face. 

A few weeks later, Izuku was able to cook a simple meal but needed a stepping stool to reach the stove. For some reason, Inko came home early and made Izuku pack everything he wanted to keep into a duffel back that was thrown at him. The only things that held value to him were his hero analysis books so he put all of them into the bag. Next were his clothes, there were an Eraserhead hoodie and President Mic headphones and bracelets. Taking some of his normal tops, bottoms and shoes. Looking into his bag, he realised that he didn't own many colours or things but he got dressed in black jeans, combat boots, white T-shirt and a dark green hoodie. Slinging the duffle bag over his shoulder, Inko was waiting for him. " Get in the car, Brat," She instructed and he thought, 'Maybe this is what will give me hope' a smile made its way onto his face.

Izuku fell asleep during the car ride but was aggressively woken up by Inko throwing him onto the floor with his bag next to him. " Give me my money now," She said to someone. He felt himself being picked up into a warm embrace. There was something about the person which made him snuggle closer to the person. " No, you threw him away like he was nothing. You're lucky that we aren't calling the police on you. Now leave," A stern voice stated and he felt himself being taken away. " W-what?" He mumbles as he opens his eyes to find camouflage uniform. " Welcome to camp #13, I will explain more later but you will be lead to your room," They said, their voice was rude and authoritative but had an undertone of kindness. Izuku nodded and followed a female who took his bag. 

The kind lady showed Izuku to a room that held four beds. Izuku put his duffel bag on the bed that was underneath a window and followed the lady again. " This is the Japan protection army, we protect everyone in Japan from all threats ranging from quirks to nuclear bombs. The general will tell you more, in you go," The lady informs him. Within the door was a large office with a few soldiers standing on guard. " Izuku, or #13. Welcome. Now let me explain..."

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