Chapter 2

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" Izuku, or #13. Welcome. Now, let me explain..." 

The little boy looked at the men in the room, intimidated, he slowly made his way to a chair that the man behind the desk was gesturing towards. Once he sat down, the man gave a nod to one of the men and then, after a few seconds, they were left alone. " Izuku, you are the 13th person to come into our camp at a young age. Your mother sold you to us but we gave her no money because of the way that she treated you. Anyways, you are one of us now and you will be training to fight people with and without quirks. We will send you on missions once fully trained and you will get money for each mission. Now, follow me. The training begins now," The man said. Izuku nodded but asked the man for his name or what to call him. He was surprised by how Izuku phrased the question. " You can call me General Ezuro or Sir," General Ezuro told the small greenette as he was lead to a large room with weapons on one wall, displayed in an organised fashion.

After entering the room, he was told that he would start building muscle on his body and also learn the basics of first-aid. Needless to say, it was painful at first. His body felt like it was being pulled apart and it ached everywhere. There were twelve other kids but he was the youngest there, only being four and a half. Strenuous activities caused some to pass out from exhaustion but Izuku kept going. Something inside him told him that this would all be worth it, one day. " 10, 11, 12 and 13. Get into a line!" A commander ordered. Izuku and three other kids were in a line, standing straight with good posture. " I want you all to run around camp, ten times and make it back here before lunch! Go!" And with that, they all ran off.

While running, Izuku's shoulder-length green hair was tried back into a ponytail and it swayed as he ran. There were two girls and another boy with him, the boy had short black hair that was spiky and his pricing blue eyes somehow shone in the daylight. He's called Tenka-suru as his quirk is to set anything on fire with enough concentration, he was also seven. The girls were twins, one had white hair and black eyes while the other had black hair and white eyes, both of their hair reached their mid-backs and were also seven. Their quirks were light and shadow. Light is a quirk that allows the user to shoot beams of light out of their palms and create a spere of light to fight with while Shadow allowed the user to blend in with the shadows and create portals out of them. They are also able to cover themselves and others in shadows to hide. 

Halfway through running laps, the light twin, Hikari collapsed. Yami stopped and went back to her. " Guys!" She shouted at the two males who were completely oblivious to what was happening. Izuku was the fist to stop and gained Tenka-suru's attention. " Move to the side," Izuku demanded. His small five-year-old body was able to squeeze past Yami and got to Hikari. Desperately trying to find a pulse, he looked back at Yami and shook his head. " No pulse. Let's get her back to base," Tenka-suru suggested and picked up Hikari. Tenka-suru led them to the base after Izuku took off his jacket and covered her face.

Walking towards the General's door, Yami knocked. The two opened the door for the boy carrying the deceased girl. " Oh no. You are allowed to have the day off. There will be a proper burial for her," He spoke, sadness lased in his voice. All the children that were given to the camp felt like his children and were always sad when one passed. Yami nodded and they went to their rooms. Izuku still had one room to himself and they haven't got another camp member for months so he was alone. Remembering Hakari, tears cascaded down his face. It was sad but Izuku didn't want to mope around, he wanted to become stronger so he could fight for his friend and make sure that people have hope so they don't give up and they become stronger. " Commander, any training that I can do?" Izuku asked the man that sent them on the run.

He was given a saddened look, but the man nodded anyways. " 50 pull-ups on that," He pointed to a bar that was protruding out of the wall, just above his reach. " Yes Sir," Izuku saluted and jumped to try and grab the bar. And again. And again until on his 13th go, he grabbed onto it. " Okay, fifty to go," Izuku whispered to himself as he starts to pull himself up so that his head was above the bar. Slowly counting down, Izuku got down to the last pull-up. Letting go of the bar he carefully landed on the floor. He finished just in time for lunch. " Welldone 13, go and have some lunch," The commander ordered and he did as he was told. Finding his the duo that witnessed Hikari's death and sat with them. Eating their food in silence, they went their separate ways.

A year after Hikari's death, Izuku was sent on his first mission. During that year, his body was trained enough so he started training with weapons. First, it was a katana, then a sniper, then a handgun and then, Izuku's personal favourite and extendable bo staff. Izuku is the youngest soldier to get sent on a mission in the history of the camp. Thinking back to about nine months ago, Izuku remembered the day when his quirk manifested. Tenka-suru accidentally set the training room on fire. Izuku was surrounded by falling rubble and flames, he was going to die but his quirk manifested and green flames surrounded him and stopped rubble from killing him and from the flames burning him. Once Izuku was safe, the fire started to glow green and then die down. " You just got your quirk, 13," The General stated as he saw everything go down. After that, he trained even harder until he was sent out on his first mission. 

Himself and another soldier were dressed in normal clothing. Izuku was six and a half now and he had to go to a daycare that was abusing children and there were concerns of rape as well. " Bye now, Izuku. Either me or Mummy will pick you up, okay?" The soldier acted. Izuku was a 'new kid' so he acted shy. " O-okay, daddy," He stuttered. It was after school hours and the soldier had to 'work' so he was put into daycare. A large man came up to him and placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder and assured the soldier that he would be alright. Once they left, Izuku was thrown to the floor. He had to pretend to be defenceless until he could confirm the raping taking place. " Well, as you're new, let's give you a treat," The man said as he dragged Izuku towards a door. Said man tried to take Izuku trousers off. ' This is enough evidence' Izuku thought and released green fire around his body. Pressing something in his ear, he spoke, " Case confirmed. I repeat, case confirmed," The older man heard what he said and tried to attack Izuku only to have a gun pointed at his head. " One wrong move and a bullet go through your head," Izuku spoke in a low voice after pulling out a gun from his baggy hoodie. Without further delay, some officers burst into the room only to find a man being threatened by a kid. " Hey Kid, put the gun down," An officer tried to get closer to him only to be stopped by a voice behind him. " Stop. 13, general is waiting for your report," A cold voice stated from behind them. With a nod, Izuku put his gun away and walked away with a man who showed the officers a licence.

Later that day, he finalized his report and handed it to the general. " Well done, 13. I see you've decided on a name, Deku. Why is that?" He asked while reading over the report. " I was bullied and called named once I was considered quirkless and I was called Deku a lot. I want to show everyone one that I am Deku and I am not useless, Sir," Izuku explained while keeping his posture up and hands behind his back. " You still have hope. Go now, Deku. The report is good so rest, training starts early in the morning for you now," The general stated and with a salute, Izuku walked to his room.

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