Chapter 6

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Once Izuku sat down, in his assigned seat and the lesson began. Pulling out his notebook and pen, Izuku started to make notes on the lesson, even if he really didn't need to. As Aizawa was asking people to list the top American heroes, Izuku wrote notes on the class. Not the lesson but the people in the class, like quirks or how intelligent they are. Jotting down a few notes on the topic they were leaning, he listened to Aizawa explain the reason of why knowing heroes around the world can benefit them in the future. 

Fortunately for the greenette, the bell rang soon after he lost all concentration and interest on the topic. Packing his things up and placing them in his bag, Izuku started to walk out of the class when an angry Pomeranian pulled him into an empty corridor. " Where were you, Deku?" He asked with curiosity and sadness in his voice. " Inko threw me out a few months after finding out I was quirkless but in fact, I was just a late bloomer. I was found by a couple who bring me to an orphanage where I grew up. Nezu made a deal with me. If I beat him in five games of chess, I would get into UA and here I am," Izuku explained, nonchalantly while waving his hand about. Bakugou didn't know if he was lying about the quirk and about Inko so Izuku made a small flame in his hand. " W-why would antie Inko do that? She went looking for you after you went missing..." His voice trailed off at the end so izuku just gave him a hug. 

Smiling at the taller boy, Izuku informed him that " Lesson is about to start," and they walked off towards President Mic's class as they had English next. The class was surprised when the new kid came in with Bakugou and he wasn't hurt or faking a smile, he was fine. " How did he not die?!" Denki asked while pointing at Izuku who gave him a smile and walked to his seat. 


After school, Izuku went to his dorm along with Bakugou. " Midoryia. Can I speak to you?" Todoroki asked the small greenette. He gave a small 'sure' and told Bakugou that he would be back soon. " How did you get into UA this late into the year?" The dual hair-coloured boy asked. He was very straight forwards. " I made a deal with principal Nezu over a few games of chess. Since I beat him, I got a place here," Izuku stated. It was the lie that all the teachers knew off and the General agreed upon. " Okay. Well then, goodbye," He said and walked off to his dorm. Sighing, Izuku met Bakugou in his dorm. 

" What did Icyhot want?" The blond asked the greenette who started to take off his clothes. " How I was able to get into UA," Izuku stated. He wore a black tank top and black leggings underneath his uniform so he didn't care that he was taking off his top with Bakugou in the room.

While Izuku brushed his hair, Bakugou had the idea to spar against each other. Izuku gave him a nod and finished french braiding the front bit of his hair so that it didn't get in his face. They walked into the garden area and got into a fighting stance.


Sorry for a short chapter. There will be more and just letting you guys know that this is a TodoBakuDeku fanfic. :)


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