~Part 6~

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William stared down into the arena in panic, Thoughts flooded in his head. William grabbed his phone,which was still useless 0 bars it read as if it was trying to mock him. He glared at the phone as if it were a person he hated with a burning passion. He sighed and had an idea. He opened the camera app. The arena didn't appear in the camera. ' IT'S NOT REAL IT'S AN ILLUSION!' He yelled to himself in great joy. "JORDAN! THE ARENA ISN'T REAL YOU CAN JUST WALK OUT OF IT!" He yelled. Jordan obviously didn't hear him.He braced for impact and jumped down to the arena.Jordan and Hakul were circling each other preparing to fight. Quentin lay in the corner where Dani and her friend were making sure his wounds were not fatal. Hakul had out her sword while Jordan only had her dagger. Would that be enough they all wondered. "You think you can beat me sister, you are weak and vulnerable, actually the weakest since the death of our parents." Hakul said, pretending to lunge for Jordan. Jordan did not flinch. She had fought with Hakul for years and knew her style and tricks."Worthless kids, YOU HAVE 3 HOURS LEFT AND YOU GOT NOWHERE!" The voice in the speaker laughed. "YOU'RE FRIGHTENED BY YOUR OWN ILLUSIONS!" The speaker said, breaking out in laughter again. William stared up with a glare. "And you still haven't found your precious Hanuki, How sad~" The voice said. A muffled voice yelled "I'LL BE FINE JUST LEAVE I'M NOT EVEN TH-" His voice cut off. Something that sounded like a muffled scream was upon the speaker. "All I did was hit him, hm, humans sure are fragile." The voice said and then cut off. Dani glanced at Lular knowing what her friend would have to do. Jordan glanced at her acquaintances "Go, go get him, I'll be fine....HURRY!"Jordan turned back to Hakul growling. Dani whispered to Lular what she would have to do. Lular nodded, even though she knew she could die doing this. She concentrated on Dani's friends, and gave them her strength. She slumped against the wall, exhausted. Sorin flew in, and saw Dani. "Are you all right?" he questioned. "Yeah, but i have to leave for a few seconds so i can heal my friend..." she said. Then she ran out of the door using her super speed, up the clock tower and lay her friend out in the sun. Lular's face slowly regained color, it was working! She sat down next to her friend and waited. William stared at the door, being too afraid to open it, 'This could either be Hanukis rescue, Or Hanukis Death.' He opened the door and stood a boy. He didn't even look like he was in college yet. William used his quirk to know about him. His eyes widened. How did someone like him manage to kidnap people almost his age. "You found me!" Williams' eyes widened in fear, It was Hanuki. Bleeding severely and tied up. "So what now? You barely got into here, how will you get out?" The boy asked. William ran to Hanuki. He had a pulse and everything but William still felt he wasn't alive. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO IT!" William screamed at the boy. "He kept trying to go into that weird state with his quirk so every time he did I just kicked him out of it." He said in a tone of voice that sounded like he had no regrets.Meanwhile Jordan and Hakul were going at it. Jordan had gotten a good amount of slashes on Hakul but Jordan was faring much worse. Jordan couldn't use her left arm because it was broken. Hakul was grinning crazily as Jordan got knocked to the ground.Hakul put the tip of her sword into Jordans throat and before it pierced too deep Jordan used her feet to sweep out Hakuls legs. Hakul dropped her sword and lunged for it on her stomach, and at the same time so did Jordan. But at the last second instead of grabbing the sword Jordan used her dagger to slice into Hakuls arm where she couldn't grab the sword. Hakul cried out in pain and crawled back clutching the bleeding arm.The arena was now covered in red and scraps of random clothing. Jordan kicked the sword away"You can't win..."Jordan looked at the ground to her right then at Hakul "Evil won't win, we rebel because we know what is right" Jordan had an angry grimace on her face. "Dear sister, t-that was fun,, but you would never kill your own blood and flesh sister right?" Jordan looked at Hakul. "You are not my sister" Jordan plunged the dagger into the side of Hakuls neck."You remove it, and you die right away"Jordan said with no emotion. "You would never survive in this world" Hakul began sputtering out blood and coughing violently "W-W-Why...J-jordan" Hakul said, reaching out for Jordans touch. Jordan reached out and grabbed her hand caressing it.It was bloody and frail looking. Jordan knew the truth though. None could ever hide the truth from her. "I will save you the torture,even though you didnt for our parent"Jordan reached out and yanked the dagger from her neck releasing a long spurt of blood. Hakul choked and she was dead in a matter of seconds.Then suddenly out of Hakuls body appeared a form in the shape of a human. Hakuls body vanished"CONGRATULATIONS JORDAN YOU PASSED"The figure threw a sword but Jordan dodged it "Hello Aunt Marble, We meet again""Clever girl how did you know it was me?' A sweet yet sinister voice. "Hakul is dead Jordan looked to the side remembering"Do you r

emember how she died, Jordan..........you killed her a long time ago" Jordan snapped her head back to her aunt. "No I did not,Uncle Ruben poisoned her" Jordan spat at her Aunt clutching her dagger to the point where her hand was white.Aunt Marble shook her head in disbelief "The things kids believe these days" "I know the truth, im not dumb, nobody can hide anything from me"

~Meanwhile on top of the clock tower~

Lular woke up with a start, being fully restored. Lular's eyes widened. "We have to find William!"

William stared at bleeding Hanuki with a face of stress and disbelief,He looked as if he was watching a ghost. "THIS IS ANOTHER ILLUSION!" He yelled trying to make himself believe it. But it wasn't, Hanuki was severely hurt and they were miles from the hospital. This was Hanukis Deathbed. Everyone stared at William with a face of sorrow. The boy stared at him in awe. "You care about that boy so much, Why is that-" William cut him off "He was my boyfriend. And now I may never see him again." He hissed at the boy. The boy gave him a tiny disgusted look. "If I would've known that I would have just killed him!" He said with cheer. William stared at him in anguish. Lular ran into the hallway with Dani in close pursuit, Lular ran up to Hanuki and put her hands on his arms. He started faintly glowing, his wounds seemed to be reversing themselves. She backed up to the others. "I healed him so his wounds are gone, and he won't lose any more blood, but-" "But what?" William asked. "BUT he is still internally bleeding and has broken bones." Lular said. "What does THAT MEAN! I just want to know if I will ever see Hanuki Again!"

"It means that he hurts BAD on the inside, AND WE NEED TO GET HIM TO A HOSPITAL!!!" Lular explained/shouted. "I can teleport us to the nearest one, but i need all of you guys's help." "I'll do anything if that means I can see Hanuki again,What do I need to do?" "simple. Grab my hands, grab hanuki's hand and think about the hospital. Ima need all of you guys' help though. Including the twins, Thaila, Sorin, Dani, and all of you guys." William picked up Hanuki Bridal Style and grabbed his hand. "Now what?" He asked quickly. "Grab my hand." she said, and motioned the others to do so as well. He grabbed Lunars Hand. Dani grabbed Lular's other hand, the twins grabbed her hand, and so on until Sorin grabbed on to Hanuki's other hand.But little do they know they forgot Jordan.

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