~Part 3~

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William stares at the group with an odd look at the group. "So,Hanuki never mentioned me..?" He said. "Where is Hanuki..?" He asked "Oh yeah he totally mentioned you. Today he told me you guys were dating. I think you are such a cute couple"Jordan said absentmindedly. He looked around. He went back to the forest and saw a note where Hanuki was. "Hey jordan can you read this?" He asked. "What?" Jordan Asked letting go of Quentin. "It's a note. It was where Hanuki used to be.." Jordan walked over and saw the small note pinned to the tree she read aloud:

"Friends of The Boy

I am requesting a fight For the boys life

I know his quirk. If he uses it to escape, He dies. You have 10 Hours. 

Meet me at the place where one of your parents was killed, 

and i think you know whos 


Williams' face went into pure panic. "HOW DID ANY OF YOU NOT TELL HE WAS KIDNAPPED AND MISSING!" He raised his voice louder than he had raised it at anyone. "HOW THE HECK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIND HANUKI! HE COULD DIE ANYTIME AND IT WOULD BE ALL OUR FAULTS!" He yelled. He took a long glare at everyone. "How does he even hang around you people." He hissed. "You call yourselves friends." William looked around in panic and anger. "Where could he be!" He said. "My parents are alive so I have no idea!" He paced the sidewalk."It's my parents death bed" Jordan blurted out ."I know exactly where it is" Jordan looked at the ground. This was all her fault."AUGH!" He yelled Getting on his knees on the sidewalk covering his face. "It's all my fault. I'm his boyfriend. He needs me to protect him! I left him with YOU and he lost a Tooth!" He yelled at Jordan.Jordan blew up" Ok i know i'm not perfect. Me and Hanukis relationship was screwed up. We fought and fought. ALRIGHT. I got it and I punched him in the mouth. Which made me run away which made y'all follow me and i was the one who started this all. I convinced Hanuki to go to the cafe with me."Jordan yelled and stepped up to William. "See, He can barely protect himself! He's defenseless that's why I didn't want him to be around you or Alistor!" He covered his mouth at what he said. "I just want him to be safe-" He trailed off.".....................Ok.........if it's gonna be like that it will be like that." Jordan walked back to Quentin and he hugged her "Fine if you don't want him around me then i will go..........thanks for telling me... "She walked past him and whispered in his ear"What a good boyfriend you are, telling me that i'm not a good friend" and she walked past him grabbing Quentin's hand. His face changed. "Wait. I didn't mean that.. I just want to know if he's ok...I know he isn't useless...I guess not knowing if he's ok got me a bit stressed." He said."That is the story of our lives" Jordan snorted and continued walking. "I'm not useless." Hanuki said behind all of them."I'm not defenseless." Hanuki snorted."Guys i'm in my glitch state right now so i'm not in my body. I'm in the clock tower." He said "I have to go bye-" He said quickly and disappeared in an instant.Jordan gasped"I remember. My parents were killed next to the clock tower." Suddenly Jordan was snatched from behind into the dense woods."JORDAN!!" Quentin yelled, reaching for her. They could hear running and muffled screaming as the culprit began to steal her away. Quentin growled and ran after her not caring about the others. Jordan was the only thing on his mind right now. If he lost her he would never be the same.

"Quientin you need to be quiet. I think my quirk could help. " He stayed quiet. "I know a shortcut." he said. "Now you know how I feel. Welcome to the club." He smirked.Quentin stopped running and became very angry."Well it's not like Jordan would be able to tell us where she was her quirk is persuade......and if whoever captured her and Hanuki is who i think it is"He paused and looked up at them"Then her quirk would be useless" he finished. "Pardon.?" He hissed at him. "Oh shut it William, You don't know anything about me and Jordan" "For your information Hanuki could be with Jordan helping her escape for all you know. What's YOUR girlfriend doing." He hissed at him. "You idiot, I have an idea who took them and if you could listen because your ears are definitely big enough for that then you would have another idea about what's happening"Quentin snapped putting his hands on his hips. He ran after Jordan. "AT LEAST I DON'T LOOK LIKE I LIVE IN A DUMPSTER." He hissed at him." Quentin stopped and slowly spun around "WHAT the hell did you just say?" He said quietly. "At. Least. I. Dont. Live. In. A. Dumpster." He gave him a smile. "What makes you think i look like that?" "You have bags under your eyes and smell like trash." He hissed.Quentin squinted at William and growled his fox tail rigid"The reason i have bags under my eyes is due to the fact that i stay up all night making sure Jordan is safe.............She has been having vivid, Real nightmares....Of things like this happening" He gave him a glare. "I'm only helping you so Hanuki and his friend are safe. Other than that i'd never look at you." He hissed at him.

3 girls and a boy are running to the group, worried looks on their faces. As they got closer they could see the people running towards them were the twins, Sorin, and Thaila. "GUYS STOP ARGUING HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN DANI!?!?" Sorin shouted. Kili looked like she wanted to say something... "GUYS I SAW DANI-" "WHERE!" William yelled. "You didn't let Kili~Chan FINISH! Ugh... anyway I SAW DANI~SENPAI GET KIDNAPPED AT THE TOWN CENTER!" Kili yelled. Quentin was still glaring at William ready to pounce on him. "Try me you furry." He smirked. "I am not a furry, I am a mutant, You worthless brat" Quentin said stepping towards William "At least I care about who I'm with. I was the only person to notice it apparently." He smiled."Do you want to fight. William?" "My pleasure." Quentin began to have fire come out of his hands and hair as his quirk was pyrokinesis. "Come at me you foul rat" "Of course." William made 12 different versions of himself. "Is 12 on 1 not fair for you..?""I COULD TAKE ON 30 OF YOU!" Quentin growled and observed them all. "GUYS MORE IMPORTANT-" "BACK OUT!" Quentin yelled. "GRRR YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET ON KILI~CHANS BAD SIDE... NOW DANI~SENPAI HAS BEE-" "Just like Hanuki WAIT. WHY WOULD THEY KIDNAP PEOPLE AND PUT THEM IN DIFFERENT AREAS..?" He said. "Because, William~Kun, SOME PEOPLE actually know how to WORK TOGETHER!" she yelled/growled. "Wait a second. You saw Hanukis eyes turn blood red when he disappeared. Also they have our most useful and powerful people in our group. Maybe their quirk is mind control." He said. "We need to find them. Fast." He sighed. "Quentin I need you." He muttered."I don't care about you" Quentin admitted."Me neither. We just need to find Hanuki and Jordan." He shot him a glare."I don't even know Hanuki and I only care about Jordan, you filthy rat, and i do not live in a dumpster" He sighed. "I don't care about Jordan either. I don't know but I guess their friends or whatever. So I need your help, furry." He muttered."I am not a furry you rat i will find Jordan" "And i'm not a rat you RACOON." He yelled at him. "I AM A MUTANT HALF FOX HALF HUMAN!"Quentin yelled, the flames getting bigger. William ran to the clock tower. "Why the heck is it empty...?" He asked."Your distracting us made them move to a new place, you better be glad i know where Jordan's parents were murdered" "guys please stop arguing. It's honestly annoying, and i don't even remember why you guys are arguing in the first place..." Thaila said "No wait." He gave them the look and pointed up. "I do not live in a dumpster" Quentin mumbled. It was a broken ceiling piece. He managed to wiggle it out and a ladder came out. It was Hanuki. Bleeding and Unconscious."We know you don't Quentin" Sorin, Thaila, and the twins said."Actually you don't but whatever" He said quietly. "Jordan?" Quentin tried quietly. Hoping. William stared at bleeding Hanuki in terror. His face looked horrified. He picked Hanuki up. "I know he's ok...I think..." He said to himself.Quentin quickly climbed up searching for Jordan. When he came back down he was snarling "She is not here" He said, fire starting to grow. The Hanuki the William was holding disappeared. "WHERE IS HE!" William yelled at the speaker.

"Yes i know boy, She is with me" a dark booming voice came over the speaker. "I have her hostage, the girl is useless and very weak" The female voice laughed "I need the person closest to her to come to get her. Or she will die "HELP PLEASE HELP" Jordans voice came over the speaker then it was gagged and muffled.''DON'T COME ITS A TRAP!" Hanukis muffled voice screamed. Quentin clenched his fists and tried to run towards the top of the tower. "Wait what about Dani, i know you have her!" Sorin shouted bravely. "Whos Dani?" The voice said "HE'S WYING HE HAS HErew WIGHT HERE SHE'S-" "Oh you mean the weak omega..." AND THEY HEARD A THUMP AND JORDAN WAS NO LONGER HEARD. EVERYTHING WAS QUIET. AND THE SPEAKER STOPPED."JORDAN....PLEASE DONT COME IT'S A TRAP!" Hanukis voice screamed again and he went silent. "WHERE IS HANUKI!" William yelled at the speaker again. No answer.William curled in a ball. He tried his hardest but tears rolled down his face. "You're right. I am a rat. Now Jordan and Hanuki aren't safe and it's all my fault." He muttered. Sorin growled at the speakers ''how dare they call her an omega! She isn't even a werewolf!" Sorin growled. Quentin hurled himself towards the top of the tower but William held him back hissing. "Congrats. The real useless one in me. Why didn't I keep an eye on him, This is all my fault. It's over guys. We can't do anything." He trudged down the steps. "Congrats Quentin you're right. I'm useless." He gave a weak smile and walked out.QUENTIN DID NOT CARE WHAT THE OTHERS SAID. He began to strut right up towards the top of the tower. William stared in confusion, "What the heck are you doing there's nothing to go to." William muttered. "Can't you guys just realize-" He stared at the floor. Another loose tile. William Shook it out and looked down. A stairway. The twins stared down. "Creepy." They both said and shuddered. "You're not really going down there are you..?" They asked. "Yes I am and I need support!" He stared at the twins. "C'mon!" He said running down. This was his only hope of finding Hanuki and Jordan. The stairs went flat and William Slid down falling on his face, While the twins gracefully landed. "YOU FIGURED IT OUT! CONGRATS!" The female said with a smirk. "But they're already dead sorry!" She said with a murderous smile.

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