~Part 4~

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Quentin and William had to be held back by Sorin because they had lost control.Quentin kept yelling "IM GONNA KILL HER!"Quentin thrashed about and pulled out of sorins grip running to the doorway that was labeled arena. "Quentin!" Sorin yelled, as Dani walked up behind the man, saying "is that so...?" Sorin was relieved. Dani backed the woman up to the arena. "Who are you?" the woman asked. "I am Daniella Phoenixdrop, and I am the Ultima!" She flew up, grabbed a sword out of nowhere, and began to fight. Quentin ran into the arena and the door slammed shut behind him. The room went dark then lit up. He gasped when he saw what it contained. It was a hospital room.He backed toward the wall shaking and gulping.There were doctors holding needles and scissors above patients.The doctors all looked up at him in unison and cocked their heads grinning.There eyes were red and he suddenly heard everything the shuffling of papers, the phone, the cries, the moans, the talking.Quentin was scared, very scared. But Jordan was the most important thing to Him and he edged around the wall trying to get to the door on the other side. A doctor close to him lunged at him and he yelped, falling down.The doctor had a long thick needle in his hand and was advancing on Quentin. He shook and crawled backwards into a corner.Quentin thought this was the end. And he would never get to do the things he wanted to do. Marry, have kids, go skydiving, do crazy life threatening thing.Then he heard a scream distant but he was able to hear a girl scream his name. It was Jordan. He had a burst of adrenaline and he blasted the doctor away with his fire.The doctor disintegrated.He stood up and faced his fear blasting all the doctors away till there were none left. He ran through the door and there was Jordan, unconscious and bloody. Quetin cried out and draped his body over hers shaking her. Willing her to be alive.'She's Dead" A voice laughed from above But Quentin could see no one."No you are lying i know you are....Jordan is not weak" The voice laughed evilly. Quentin shook her and studied her face. He checked her pulse. She was alive but just barely Jordan suddenly moaned and Quetin rolled her over onto her back.Jordan looked up at him but he was so blurry she couldn't tell who it was. "Jordan it's me, Quentin, you are ok alright." He assured her. "Leave me alone" She managed to say, pushing him off her weakly. Quentin was confused. Why was she acting like this he wondered as she sat up wiping blood off her face. He thought it was all hers but it was hers and hakuls. Quentin squinted at her. Was this really his girlfriend? "What are you looking at,weirdo i don't even know you" 'she said, suddenly it hit him. She had been erased of all the memories of him. It made perfect sense. "Oh well...you almost died" "NO CRAP SHERLOCK!!" she yelled aloud. Quentin backed off and observed her. She had a long gash down the side of her cheek and her nose was crooked,broken. She did not look that bad he thought. Jordan growled and walked out of the room and into the arena she walked past all the dust and random doctor supplies and into another room. Quentin followed her. "Why are you following me?" Jordan spun around spitting.Jordan frowned and searched her pockets for her phone not there. Suddenly over the speaker they heard "GUESS WHAT? I CAN CONTROL YOUR PATHETIC LITTLE GIRL, JORDAN VERY EASILY....." THE VOICE LAUGHED AND SUDDENLY CAME OUT A SONG "IS IT TIME TO LEAD OR IS IT TIME TO DIE, TIME TO RAISE HELL OR WALK ON BY IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE THAT'S PAYING ATTENTION." Suddenly Jordans head snapped back and she was as rigid as a plank of wood and she fell to the ground. Quentin ran to her and studied her eyes. They had become red and she was thrashing around as if it was a seizure.then it stopped"Jordan....?" Jordan got up and clenched her fists as Quentin jumped back. Jordan had her dagger in her hand now and was walking towards Quentin and leapt at him. He would never hurt her so he let her grab him. Jordan put him in a headlock and held the knife to his throat. "Stop! Please don't do this! Please! R-remember when we went to the cherry tree orchard and all of the petals were falling and you just loved it, we went on a nice lunch there and had your favorite foods. Tofu, and Pineapple curry and burgers! And at night all of the fireflies were out, we tried to catch some, but they were too fast." he recalled smiling lightly at the memory. Jordan's grip on the dagger at Quentin's neck loosened slowly. "Yes it was beautiful and you told me something very important, remember you said 'sometimes the things you're looking for aren't going to be found in the familiar places you've looked before' it was amazing I think you know what happened after that" He said blushing."We cuddled and read your favorite book" Jordan dropped the dagger from his neck and walked backwards snarling"LIES HE IS LYING" THE VOICE SPOKE FROM ABOVE. Suddenly the real Jordan broke through but only for a second."Run go now hurry" and the tranced Jordan was back.Quentin ran.


William walked into a tiny room. He stared around. 'Why is it so empty..?' He asked himself. He saw Hanuki on the other side. "HANUKI!" He yelled. He reached out his hand but this Hanuki grabbed him with a grip. "Who the heck are you." This Hanuki hissed. "It's me William...?" He asked with a confused look. He leaned in for a kiss but this Hanuki pushed him away. "WHY THE HECK WOULD I LET A STRANGER I DUNNO KISS ME!?" He asked him with anger. The twins run around the corner and spot them.William had a face of panic. "TWINS?" He yelled trying to hear them. "I HATE YOU!" This Hanuki screamed. "I HATE YOU,I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!" He screamed. "Hanuki please." He said in a soft tone of voice "It's me!" Hanuki slapped his hand away. "William, don't believe it! It's an illusion!" they yelled. You see, the twins have a knack for seeing through illusions, so they knew it was fake. William looked hurt by what he said. He stared at him. "Hanuki, go into your glitch state if you're him." He hissed. "Fine." He looked as if he was trying. He cocked his head and his eyes turned red. "Congrats you saw through my illusion smart boy." The voice said and everything in the room disappeared. "C'mon!" shouted the twins "we have to find the others!" they ran down the corridor with William following close behind. ~Meanwhile in the arena~ "Ahhhh so little Dani the omega is really Ms. Phoenixdrop, from the Ultima family. Heh, I thought I'd never battle another one of your kind. Well I was able to beat them." the stranger said. Now that Dani could see her better, she had the same red hair, and she had yellow eyes. Weird. Oh well... "i hope you were prepared for me... I'm different from my ancestors." she said. "Heh i don't think so, kid. Except for the fact that you are a kid." the person said. "Exactly~" Dani said. She bared her teeth, and narrowed her eyes. And a figure in a black and white, gold lined, hood appeared next to Dani. "I figured you could use some help, oi?" the figure said. "Ay! Lular! I'm just about to take down this dood." Dani explained "Sounds fun, can I help?" Lular asked. ~back with William and the twins~ William stared in confusion at the arena. "That's his fear..?" He asked the twins in confusion. "Y-yeah that is Quentin~Kun's fear. It's called Nosocomephobia*" Kili said "oh..." said William. That's kinda a weird fear... I wonder why it is... ~At the arena~ "Wait" Dani said. Her ears twitched and she turned around and the girl wasn't there anymore! "Gah how did he escape! We're blocking the door..." she heard a voice, she realized it was her voice and ran towards it. She got to the hallway she heard it coming from and saw Jordan with a grip around Quentins neck holding a dagger against his neck, but she was holding it loosely. "Should i kill her?" Lular asked.

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