~Part 2~

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Jordan was in the clearing where the unspeakable had happened.She did not realize it but this was where she met dani. Quntin caught up easily and hugged her from behind."Are you k?' he whispered. Jordan leaned into him and looked around wiping her eyes. She could have really hurt Hanuki. It was all her fault. She could have Killed him. "Quentin...."She started but did not finish. "Hey. This is where we met isn't it..." Dani said."How did you get here?" Jordan whipped around and sneered at Dani. "good question" she smiles kindly "And you better have a good answer" Jordan countered closing her eyes. "I-uhh honestly don't know..." she says looking mildly confused. Quetin studied Dani and looked down at Jordan's head. "Hey you are Dani right?" Quentin asked. "Uhh yes actually..." she says to Quentin. "Well i am friends with Sorin and he wants to talk to you......you know alone....." Quentin said but he did not want to give it away because that's just rude when someone tells someone the thing YOU want to tell them. Quentin went back to comforting Jordan. "O-okk i'll go and find him" she starts walking away. "Hey Jordan?" Dani turns around.Jordan looks up and looks at Dani "Yes?....Look i'm sorry for how I have treated you Dani, I know it wasn't right....i don't get along with a lot of people." Jordan admitted. "No, it's fine. I know you-" Hanuki interrupted with "I got us banned from the Cafe. Apparently we were "Roughhousing somehow-" He read the room. "Should I... Go..?" He asked."Yes" Jordan said and leaned into Quentin. "I wanted to say sorry for the rude joke, I kind of deserved to be hit- " He said. "But I'm missing a permanent tooth now-" He added."Good," Jordan said, returning to her regular self. "That hurt-" He said with an insulted joking look. "Idea! To make up for what I did I'll do whatever you want me to say to William!" He said. "Will that make the score fair?" He asked Jordan. Jordan sighed and shrugged."Ahem may i finish my FrEaKiN sEnTeNcE!?!?" His face looked pale. "That cake tasted like Poison-" He added. "Ughhhhghghghghghghgh" Dani growled. "I'm going to vomit-" He said inching towards a bush. "Ok sooo while he's throwing uppp i was going to say that you didn't trust me jordan, and i didnt know how ehh not exactly nice buttt how cool you really are :)." Jordan ignored the others and stared up at Quentin goofily. They kissed. A figure stared at Hanuki. "You're done throwing up..?" The figure asked him.He turned to everyone else. "Im William-" He quickly said. "You guys are..?" He asked. "Hello groom of Hanuki." His face turned red in embarrassment. "What does that mean-" He said quickly "Well-"She stopped not wanting to embarrass Hanuki."Well it was...a riverdale quote i really wanted to try out...it means nothing"Jordan went back to cuddling with Quentin who shared a look with William. Hanuki stopped puking and stared at him. "I think that cake was Poison prove me wrong!" He said and started to vomit again."Well if my brother Edward was here he could ask the baker and know if the baker was lying or telling the truth."Jordan said laughing. Suddenly two people fizzled into sight standing next to Daniellla. Jordan glared at them "Who are y'all? She asked ,Quentin ready to protect her. "Who are you talking to?" William and Hanuki asked in Usion. "There is none there-" William added. "Hiya Daniella~Senpai! Hi Jordan~Senpai! Quentin~Kun!" The two girls said in unison. "Oh! Hi Kili~chan and Nili~chan" Dani said. Hanuki and William stared at the girls in confusion. "Who are they..?" They both asked. "Oh you haven't met the twins? Kili~chan here can time travel but randomly, and Nili~chan can be invisible, and when she touches something while invisible it turns invisible as well, except she cant control it as well." Daniella explained."Um ok then" Jordan said "Can we go im bored" Jordan sighed. "Sure. I was already leaving, until the girls showed up." Daniella said. Suddenly the twins fizzled out of sight. "Aaaand they're gone..." Hanuki gave Jordan a dumb smirk. "And he iiiis?" He said still having a dumb smirk . plasterd across his face. "Who?"Jordan said. "Your boyfriendddd~" He teased. "Oh, well Quentin, meet Hanuki, Hanuki, meet Quentin '' Jordan introduced. Quentin goofily walked over to Hanuki and held out his hand"Do i have to prove myself to you?"He frowned. "Yes I want to know if you're good enough for jordan." He joked sounding like a dad. "What do I need to prove myself to you because last time I checked you and Jordan did not seem that close" Quentin sneered. Dani walked away chuckling quietly, not realizing 2 invisible girls next to her. His face turned pale. "Vomit incoming!" He yelled going back to his bush. William stared with an odd look on his face..? "Hey jordan..? Why are you friends with Hanuki...?" He asked."I honestly have no clue I don't even know his last name"Jordan said as they began to leave the forest. "It Ovaru." He muttered with an annoyed tone. Ok" Jordan sighed, and held Quentin's hand. She noticed the others looking."What am I emitting too much PDa?" Jordan challenged. William walked towards Hanuki. He stared at him with an annoyed look too. "What..?" Hanuki asked. "You didn't introduce Me to the m." He said with a joking tone of voice.Jordan looked at the two and laughed. Then they left the forest.

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