Kingsley looked around before seeing a vent next to Camden. She carefully moved him and grabbed her knife to pry open the vent slipping her body into it. Shuffling as quietly as she could. Thinking of how to take down ten armed men by herself. Thinking about how she was going to have to lie on the report she will have to fill out when she gets back to California. First she took this job for free. One rule broken there. Then she risked the whole mission just because she found a guy cute. Second rule broke. And let's not talk about all the minor procedures she broke.

Her parents were definitely frowning down at her. She slipped out of the open vent grabbing the bag. Her eyes dart between the corner where the boys were being held down and then the door right behind her. She could just walk right out of here leaving them. Tell the rest that it got sticky and she couldn't save them. That the mission came first before some stupid life of people that willingly put themselves in a compromised situation.

Yet once again her heart overtook her body when it came to that stupid boy. As if it wasn't her's anymore. As if he controlled it without either of them knowing. "I would suggest you watch your back. You guys truly are poorly trained." Kingsley smirked as the fire seceded and the men jumped. "So who poisoned the poor idiot? I will need to know what was in it."

The guns now all on her she went to her waist and pulled out the throwing stars and with a flick of the wrist, seven men face planted on the ground. "Once again. Who darted the boy?" She asked offering the last three men a few more moments of life.

"Razor! Razor did it. He ran off. Bald guy brown eyes. Can't miss him." The youngest boy stampered out his eyes wide. He looked no older than her own brother. "Please don't kill me. Please!" He cried as he fell to his knees. Kingsley aimed her gun shooting the older men before training her gun on the boy.

"You were dead the moment you signed up for this kid." She said coldly before pulling the trigger. A mercy death was the least she could give the kid. Something she hoped someone would do for her own brother if he ended up like this.

"You didn't need to kill him." Harris came out from his cover struggling to keep up his friend who was slowly coming back to consciousness. She placed the pack on the ground and pulled out the leather case she kept antidotes. Taking out a syringe filling it up with the stabilizer.

Kingsley kept her gaze down as she walked over to the boys. Her eyes would give away her true feelings about all this. The shame she felt for going against the very training that was beat into her. The sick feeling of killing a kid that had a whole life ahead of him. The fact that she was struggling with all these feelings that she has never felt before this week in Scotland.

"It's a cruel world. At least it was a quick death." She stated coldly as she injected his friend. "You need to get him back to your base. I will find this Razor guy and see if I can't figure out what the specific antidote we will need is." Kingsley pulled the syringe out and throwing to them ground. She can't ever use that needle again anyways.

"Lucas should be just outside the perimeter with the get away car. Tell him that I can find my own way back get him to the medical bay. He should be back to at least walking with the stabilizer but it only last for an hour tops. Just enough to get out and back to the mansion." Her voice was void of emotions as she went right into that typical Kingsley coldness.

"What about you-"

"Just get out of here Harris. Save your friend. I will handle the rest." She declared grabbed the pack and throwing it into his chest. "Get the files back, if I don't make it back in an hour don't risk anyone to come and rescue me." Kingsley got up and walked to the exit. Just as she was arrived to the exit the sounds of Harris' grunts from trying to keep his noe semi conscious friend filled her ears.

"if i don't hear back from you within the next hour, i am coming back for you." harris stated with a stern look on his face. his conviction made her turn around, her own words getting caught in her throat. "we don't leave people behind, kingsley. and i would never leave you behind."

"i will be back to save your friend." she didn't promise it but she meant it. when it came to the boy in front of her, his tone, his heart. it was so different from her own, in fact kingsley would go as far to say they are opposites in many ways. yet he made her want to be more like him. he has opened up a different avenue for her life. one were she wants to care about others, rather than just herself and her siblings.

he makes her wanna work as a team and get jobs done. makes her want to learn how he was taught to do this line of work. how he stayed so compassionate in such a dark world. "you better be luke. or your reputation would all just be talk." harris teased her. teased her in a situation like this. it made her let out a chuckle before rolling her eyes.

"i don't know what my reputation is. but what i hope it is, is that i do anything for the ones i care about." kingsley said softly as she turned back around. the sound of running footsteps coming in their direction. the back up that the rat Razor must of went to go get. "go out the back."

her hand gripped the pistol before she took one step forward. "you know for the ice queen of applegate. you seem nothing more than a snowflake to me..." he paused as she loaded up the magazine. "thank you kingsley."

"dont thank me yet pretty boy. after this rescue mission i think you owe me a date." kingsley declared before she snapped the clip back into its place and completely walked out of the room. the doors closing slowly behind her as the yells of the men filled her ears. a loud sigh escaped her lips as she looked up to the snowy sky.

"i don't even like camden..." she muttered before her raised her gun.

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