"Since we're all here, I declare Class 1-A and co's first official game night open! Let the games begin!" She announced when she was satisfied, pulling the cover off the basket, revealing a huge array of games and snacks. Cheers were heard from almost everybody as Ochaco pulled out a box of Cards against Humanity.


Most of the class participated whole-heartedly, save a few parties, who were a bit too busy dreaming or were a bit too busy seething at existence. After a while, the class broke up into smaller groups, chatting away.

On Mina's signal, Ochaco abruptly stood up, clapping her hands together, "GUYS, It's time for the toughest and craziest game of the night. So, are we ready for it ?"

Her words were met with loud catcalls and wolf whistles, all of them ready for shit to go down. Mina pulled out bottles of something that looked suspiciously like...........

"Ashido-san, is that alcohol ?" Tenya was standing, doing his robot hands, annoyance evident in his demeanour, "That is against the rules! And we're too young to drink alcohol!"

Denki walked over from his seat next to Izuku and Hitoshi, "Iida, Do not be a party pooper, man."

"But it is against the-" Tenya was protesting, when Denki leant closer, discreetly brandishing a brush.

"Do. Not. Be. A. Party. Pooper. Iida." He whispered, threateningly. Tenya immediately shut up, taking a step back. Mina was stifling her laughter as Ochaco looked on in surprise and amusement. 

"ALRIGHT CLASS! IT'S TIME FOR SHOT OR DARE!" Mina yelled once she was done laughing, to a loud cheer.

"Here are the rules! You can't refuse a dare twice in a row, so if you've taken a shot in your last turn, you have to do the dare. We're gonna spin the bottle and whoever it lands in between will have to do the dare. Got it ?" Ochaco finished explaining as she placed an empty bottle on the coffee table in the middle of the circle, Denki and Mina handing out shot glasses to everyone.

Shoto looked around the group, until his eyes fell on Izuku, squashed in between Denki and Jirou, diagonally opposite him. He didn't look away this time, as emerald eyes locked onto his before said boy turned as red as the sweater he was wearing.

"Okay, who's going first, Kero ?" Tsu asked.

"Me!" Toru spun the bottle, landing in between Ojiro and Shoji.

The game kept going back and forth, the results subsequently getting funnier and funnier as more people got wasted. Until finally, the bottle landed in between Shoto and Izuku, spun by Hanta.

"I dare you........to 7-minutes in heaven!" He declared after careful consideration.

Both our boys' hearts skipped a beat at the thought of being in such close proximity, but they'd taken shots last time, so they had no choice. They were pushed into the closet and the door locked from the outside.

For around a minute, they just stood in a wooden silence, mere inches apart.

"Uhm........Hi." Shoto tried breaking the silence.

"H-hi." Izuku replied, mentally thankful it was so dark in here. His face was experimenting with how many shades of red it could turn into.

That brief moment and the silence was back. After a while, it just made Izuku snap.

"Oh fuck it." He cursed, before grabbing the taller boy's face and crashing their lips together.

To say that Shoto was shocked would be making a joke. But before his brain had fully registered the fact that IZUKU MIDORIYA was kissing him, Izuku pulled away.

"Look, I know you're straight and all, but I've had this raging crush on you for Gods' know how long, and I couldn't stop myself. Oh what am I thinking, of course you don't like me back. You probably hate me now. And-" He started rambling.


"You're probably disgusted by me, cause I'm gay and all that. Yeah, I'm not half as attractive as some-"


"And I'm sure you like Yaoyorozu or someone just as pretty. I'm-"


The use of his first name silenced the green-haired boy and he looked up, half-afraid to face Shoto's reaction.

"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do that, Izuku Midoriya ?" He pushed Izuku back against the wall, staring down at him.

"H-huh ?" Izuku wasn't sure whether he could trust his ears or not.

"So, shut up and kiss me." He finished, before leaning down and capturing Izuku's lips in his own.

He put all his pent up emotion into that kiss, the shorter boy wasting no time in reciprocating, time seeming to stop as the two got lost into each other. 

Shoto wrapped his arms around the green-haired boy's waist, pulling him closer, sonic taking the place of his heart, the latter draping his arms around his neck, clinging on like his life depended on that one kiss. 

Outside, Hanta and Denki were leaning against the door, eavesdropping. Seven minutes had long since been over.

"Should we interrupt them or............?" Hanta asked.

"Probably, they have to stop at some point." Denki replied, before loudly knocking on the door as he flung it open, "YO SEVEN MINUTES ARE UP!"

The noise shocked them apart, breathless and flustered. It was the best feeling they'd ever felt. Izuku was nervously fiddling with his sleeves. Shoto was smiling, not his usual smirk, like full on grinning.

"Dude........That is one scary thing." Denki whispered, nudging Hanta as he nodded in reply.

"Anyhow, Uh.......The two of you a thing now ?" Hanta questioned.

"Oh right, that reminds me." Shoto turned to Izuku, "Hey Izu?"

"Y-yeah.....?" The green-haired boy looked like a tomato-broccoli hybrid at that point, especially at the new nickname.

"Be my boyfriend ?"


Denki and Hanta's jaws subsequently hit the floor at hearing the embodiment of pure cinnamon rollism cuss.


Its official.

I canNOT write kissing scenes.

*sniff* I'm sorry. T~T


Kiery <3

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