•Thirty Four•

Start from the beginning

He stared into her broken hazel eyes. "I...yeah it is."

Pomelia;s face crumpled, the papers he had cried over early in the morning were now being soaked by his mates tears. "H-how c-could.. you?" She stuttered out. She was so upset she was crying and speaking, rambling but he couldn't make out what she was saying because she was so upset with him. Anger was radiating off of her, but the putrid scent of sadness reeked off of her in waves. Hurt, loathing, confusion. All of those feelings were being cooped up in their room, suffocating them.

"Y-you said you loved me," she wept as her body continued to shake. "Y-you said you loved me!" She yelled at him. Her hands wrapped around her body, comforting herself as War just stared at the mess he made. "You..you're a monster. Y-you tricked me!" She doubled over in pain, sobbing so hard that he knew he had to try more to salvage her sanity.

He swallowed the lump in his throat, trying not to break down with her. "I-I never meant to hurt you," he told her truthfully as he dropped to his knees as she continued her fit of sobs. "Pomelia, I know it hurts. Don't hurt yourself."

He could see that she was puncturing herself with her claws again. This time it was her sides. He promised himself he wouldn't cry, but it was too late. "I'm sorry." His voice was cracking now, and he managed to get to her. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and she screamed. Screamed like his touch burned.

"No," she hoarsely snapped at him, as she began to gag. His scent must be too much for her to handle. "Get away. Please. Please leave me alone," she pleaded with him as he retracted his shaking hands.

"I-I let you touch me. I-I gave you everything." She was dry heaving now, in between her sobs. War didn't know what to do. He couldn't touch her, she looked sick.

"Please! Just calm down, Pomelia," he pleaded as he wiped the snot from his nose and watched her begin to throw up, soaking the carpet with the contents of her stomach. "I don't know how to help," he shook hopelessly as he had to physically snatch up his other hand to not comfort her.

His wolf was calling out to hers and she wasn't answering. She continued to throw up and cry until she couldn't...anymore.

War caught her. He grabbed her before she fell into her own vomit. He shakily lifted up her burning body and placed her on their bed. "I'm so sorry," he told her as he contemplated feeling her head or wrist for her pulse. He didn't want her to wake up with the smell of him on her fingers.

He wasn't sure what to do now. War knew he had to clean up the mess..the paper, the vomit. So he did all of that to the best of his ability, while trying to be as quiet as possible. He didn't want her to wake up, he didn't want her to wake up so soon and look at him as if he ripped her world apart. He would take a few more silent moments, cleaning up and ingraining her scent into his memory before she woke up and her turmoil began again.

Their was a knock at the bedroom door, making him cringe. War sighed, using his nose to scent out who it was. It was Alpha Reese...

He opened the door quietly and closed it the same way. Alpha Reese looked...terrible. He did hear a lot of commotion,  did he fight his mate? "What?" He questioned tiredly as Alpha Reese sighed and began to rub his temples.

"I'm making sure your mate is okay. The kid ran out of the house crying and Ling left the house after our...wolves had a bit of a disagreement." So their wolves got into it...he couldn't even imagine Pomelia's wolf challenging him. He wondered if Reese surrendered or if his mate did. War would concede if Pom attacked him. He deserved it of course.

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