Revert to my factory settings

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Chapter Twelve


"And do you, Zac Efron, take Olympia Rossi to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in-"

I was awoken by a nudge in my side, "no, wait for Zac to say I do." I groaned, I heard a deep chuckle and cracked an eye open. Rob sat next to me, one arm around my waist and me leaning into his side, head on his shoulder.

He must have been asleep too, yet he looked effortlessly attractive as he rubbed his face.

"I think your phone's ringing." He told me, "Mr Brightside is playing and that's not my ringtone."

Yep, that was definitely my phone. I groaned and pushed myself off of the sofa, out of Rob's arms, to stagger in the general direction of my phone.

Lifting it off of the side table where I'd abandoned it last night, the screen showed a picture of my friend Nico, telling me that he was calling, so I answered.

"Hey Nico."

"Ol, I'm coming cover." He told me through the speaker.


"Don't you want me to come over, Olly? If I had feelings, they'd be so hurt right now."

I rolled my eyes, "what time are you coming over?" I asked him, though the real question was would I have time to get Rob out of here.

"I'm on my way, won't be long." So no time to get rid of Rob then, in the nicest possible way of course.

"You better not be driving." I warned him, Nico was notorious for using his phone while driving, speeding, not wearing his seat belt - how he passed his driving test was a mystery.

"Don't worry, Mum. I'm walking." He teased.

"Okay, I'll see you in soon, but just a fore warning, I have a boy over."

"Ooh, parents out of town and Olympia gets her boy-toy over, how very rebellious."

I rolled my eyes, "we were watching films that's all."

"Sure you weren't trying to woo him with a strategically placed hand on thigh or suave little hair flick because you're worth it?"

I thought it best to just ignore him, "I'll see you in a bit Nico." He said bye and I hung up, turning back to Rob.

"Who was that?" He asked me, tipping his head back over the chair to look at me.

"My friend, they're on their way over now."

Rob nodded, "anyone I know? A girl from school?"

I shook my head, "it's a he actually, family friend.

Rob clenched his jaw, "well than I think I'll stay."


He shrugged, "don't boyfriends get to know their girlfriend's friends?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, he was acting suspicious, I don't think he even convinced himself.

"Okay, well he should be here in-" the doorbell rang through the house, "now."

I headed to the door and was very aware of Rob following me, when I reached the door and opened it, Nico stood outside, it was raining so half his face was shielded by the hood of a zip up jacket.

He pulled his hood down and smiled at me, his brown hair was shaved at the back and sides, the longer top half held back in a little bun.

As he walked through the door, his tall frame towering over me, he made eye contact with Rob, who was ever so slightly taller and much wider in build.

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