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The Youtuber walked across the room whilst wearing a robe around his waist, a white pyjama top & grey baggy pants.
His hair looked fairly normal, a few stray strands here & there but nothing that noticeable - his face showing a neutral expression as he turned away from the nearly full cereal bowl that now sat alone at the table.
A few cameras were attached to the top of metal poles, the lighting behind him fairly dim since he'd closed the blinds of the living room a while ago - the morning light seeming not to be his type of thing.

As the male looked straight(gay) at the device, he begun to speak in a tone that said 'Hi I am not focusing but I'm still trying to do things', "What is up every-body? Wow, that sounded weird - just like me, dear old queer me..."
Suddenly, someone donning a stripe covered neck-tie came up & out of the ground, "Thomas, are you adequate?"
The tone of the teacher's voice seemed to be soaked with a drop of concern, a jug of emptiness & around a cup of unidentified emotion (if it even was emotion).
"Oh! Hi Logan, what cha doin'?" as if the first question hadn't even been asked, the other had fired back tiredly with his own query.
"Thomas, you are avoiding the question that I had just asked you." logic stated blankly, looking right into the host's brown eyes.
"Oh yeah, right - sorry Lo'! I was just, uh... distracted! Yeah, that's it! Anyway..." the Youtuber's voice seemed to trail off, his final sentence not finishing properly whilst leaving the other to wonder what he was going to say.

All of a sudden, two extroverted sides popped up and into the view of two of the cameras - the both of them wearing slightly different expressions.
"What's going on kiddo? You don't seem to be acting like yourself." the parent-figure queried, worry clawing at his eyes.
The 'kiddo' in question turned his head to face the childish persona, "Oh! Hi Pat', there's nothing going on here! What do ya mean?"
"That made it look like something is going on here, Thomas - what are you hiding from us? Why hide something from, yourself~?" the prince asked, gesturing to the emotion facet & himself whilst saying the word 'yourself'.

The intellectual gazed down at the floor after watching two of his fellow assets take over in an instant, one of them seeming to have forgotten that he was even apart of Thomas.
However, he shook his head to clear his mind as the emo appeared at the bottom of the stairs, "Thomas - I can feel your 'what do I say/do' thoughts from the imagination, I wasn't even in my room. What's going on?"
The Youtuber sighed, knowing that the parts of his personality which were present weren't going to stop questioning him until he spilled the beans, "Well... do you want the long or the short version?"

The right-brain traits replied with 'long', whilst the observant male responded with 'short' - and before the logical side could let out a single word, his host had already begun speaking again;
"I've been having more of these worries, thoughts & concerns lately - and I want to tell my friends, but I'm scared about how they'll react. And this time, I've already evaluated the ways that they could react - and non of them are that great..."
Silence enveloped the five males swiftly after Thomas had finished his response, no one seeming to have the right words to say on the matter at hand.

"Well, these thoughts are seeming to be pretty intrusive on your life kiddo-" the parent-like side was cut off by a somewhat random, and annoying, occurrence;
All of a sudden, the relatively disgusting persona could be seen hanging from the ceiling fan above the camera set up - feet clinging onto the rod that connected the contraption to the roof whilst his arms dangled around, smirking all the while.
The duke's twin face-palmed, whilst the caring facet smiled awkwardly at the new comer - anxiety just staring at him with a hint of annoyance in his eyes.

"Oh, hi Remus... why are you hanging from the fan?" the Youtuber queried, looking directly at the crazy asset.
"I think the real question is," the one in question talked back, doing a back-flip to jump off of the blades - landing in front of the wall between the purple & red themed traits, "Why are you being stupid?"
Thomas just raised an eye brow in confusion, not exactly knowing what to say in return - that is, until the inappropriate male rose his arm into the air, twirling his index finger in a circle as a yellow puff of smoke appeared in between Logan & Thomas.
And in that cloud of mist, was the snake-like side standing as still as a statue in his normal attire.

"Oh great, the evil pair have arrived! What could possibly go wrong?!" the royal persona questioned sarcastically, throwing his arms into the air as he groaned in frustration.
The intelligent facet looked away, his eyes glazing over as he tuned out of the conversation - like usual.
Of course, he did speak up every now & then - not like he was being listened to anyway.

His heart beat was as clear as day in his head, the blood pumping through his veins taking up his sense of physical feeling as his emotions ran dry.
Every now and then, his ears sucked in parts of the chat that was happening in front of him - a few musical parts from a familiar duke's intro song and an argument about someone 'opening up' to themselves seeping through the thick wall which the intellectual had created between himself and the others, or had he created it?
Had he been the one to separate himself from the others?
Had he been the one to cause himself to be ignored?
Had he been the one to cause himself to be forgotten?

Either way, before he even knew it, he could hear a commonly used set of words passing through his ears as his host gestured wildly at one of the cameras - turning it off before turning to the other assets who were present and waving at them with a smile on his face.
The father-figure, the prince and the hoodie-wearing trait gave their normal goodbyes - sinking out silently.
But whilst Logan himself went down into the ground, he caught a glimpse of the two darker males smiling at their host in joy and the Youtuber grinning in acceptance.

Oh how lucky they were, compared to him.
Oh how happy they were, compared to him.
Oh how accepted they were, compared to him.
Oh how okay they were, compared to him.
After all, he will be Logically-Not Okay - starting, from now.

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