♤~(Not A Chapter- Again😅)~♤

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...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?! What. In. The. HELL. I was peacefully working on a book and my "genius" brain decided, 'HeY, wHy DoN't I cHeCk My OtHeR bOoK?' And when I did I saw this.

I DON'T DESERVE THIS AMOUNT READS, PEOPLE! Thank you so much for this. I know a lot of you want me to continue it and I'm working on chapter 4, but I just had to say something about this.

Now, onto the main point. This doesn't really gave much to do with this book, but I've been thinking of making ANOTHER one-shot book, and I was thinking of making it a Harry Potter one-shot book. I just wanted to know if anyone would like it and/or read it. I've had a lot of one-shot book ideas so I just wanted an opinion on it from people who would probably read it.

Anyway, thank you for reading, and au revoir.

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