♤~Chapter Seven- Help~♤

315 11 6

Present, Autumn.

Content Warnings: Swearing

Blaise- Thirteen ( P.O.V )

Ronald- Thirteen.

Ronald woke up that morning to a relatively grey sky, raining heavily onto the old castle. Before getting out of bed, he noticed a letter placed upon his nightstand, sealed with wax unnecessarily. Opening it cautiously, he read the short message--

Dear Ronald Weasely,
Please meet me at the Quiditch pitch at exactly 3:00 PM. Look respectable, I won't have you seeming shabby.
Sincerely, Anonymous Student.

It took only two seconds for Ron to immediately out from under his covers and step onto the fluffy carpet only to stop in his tracks and ponder for a moment. He considered the request, although sounding more demanding than a mere question, and of course being from an anonymous and possibly dangerous writer. After some thought, the redhead found that he had nothing better to do, so why not? Just hope it's not someone looking to murder him. Once the boy had fully brushed up and changed into the fanciest casual outfit he owned-- consisting of a simple pair of denim jeans and an old, black leather jacket given to him by his older brother, Charlie-- Ron headed down to the listed location as quickly as possible. Where Harry and Hermione were at the time was unknown to him, but he believed they had their own endeavours planned.

As the redhead wobbled tiredly down the large, tall and fuckin' annoying moving staircase, he thought about just who this person could be. Maybe it was Lavender, the two had recently become friends and it wouldn't be unusual to hang out. Though the forceful language was unlike the girl and the desire to remain anonymous was seemingly unjustified. So who could this mysterious student be? And better yet, why did they want to meet up? Ron really should have considered these things before going off, he then realised. It was a simply blue Sunday afternoon at Hogwarts, the redhead couldn't help but feel excruciatingly tired and worn out. Despite waking up at around 2:45PM after a solid twelve hours of sleep somehow.

Ronald easily found his way out of the Hogwarts castle much faster than usual, of course at this time there weren't as many people to crowd the halls and get in his way. As the redhead wondered down to the pitch, he saw, standing up next to a tree, Blaise Zabini holding in his hand an old, ratty notebook. Ronald couldn't assume that he was the anonymous sender; not possibly! But the boy wanted to talk to him, even though it felt odd to regularly talk to a Slytherin without it being aggressively. Smiling slightly, Ron adjusted his egregious posture to an acceptable point and walked over cautiously. The Slytherin boy looked up and chuckled as he pushed himself up off of the tree and quietly strutted over to the other. " Ah, I assume my letter was received. " Blaise said making Ron re-think his previous assumption. " Hmm... what would you of all people want to discuss? " Ron asked curiously as he handed back the written note.

" Potter and Draco. And I'm sure you know what I'm referring to. " Though he believed he probably incorrect, the redhead assumed one thing. " You've noticed it, haven't you? The way they've been interacting recently has been slightly... awkward, almost. I know for one that at least Draco likes him. I wasn't sure if Potter liked him also and that's where I went to you. Granted, I've known about Draco's soft spot for that boy for years now. I was hoping you could squeeze some info out of Potter and relay it back to me; I'm trying to get them together you see-- " " Wait, wait, what?! Malfoy's got a thing for Harry? Well, whatever you're doing just got easier because Harry likes the guy, too. " Blaise paused before smirking, amused. " You're right. This got much easier, in fact. Well... I'd still like your help. Your input on this would make this even easier of a task than it already is. I'll repay you if you wish. What ever it is you want~ " Blaise chuckled with a wink, implying a subject assumeably sexual.

Ronald blushed lightly as he swatted at the other, " If you want my help, you need to stop that. " " Noted. ".


I swear I am the WORST at writing on a schedule, or at least around the same time. I'm so sorry that I haven't been writing recently. I've been working on so many unpublished things, but they're just really bad and I'm scared to post them. I've simply lost interest in this story. I'll try and keep posting though! I just suck at it. I suck at most things, granted.

Anyway, sorry.

Au revoir.

Word count ( Including A/N ) : 800 words.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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