Chapter 4

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 I was glad to have an excuse to leave the house that early in the morning. I ran and grabbed my shawl and rushed out the door before Madame could stop me. I reached the spot Arman was supposed to be waiting but I saw no one there.

"Arman?" suddenly a pair of arms grabbed me from behind and lifted me up into the air.

"Arman, put me down!" he set me down gently. I turned to face him " I have to go to market so I cannot stay very long." He did not answer me but he leaned down and kissed me.  I automatically kissed him back my arms wrapping around his neck to bring him closer to me. We stayed like that until we were both gasping for breath.

"I missed you." Arman finally spoke. "Spending all this time not being able to acknowledge you has been so hard."

 "Well you did a very good job at dinner."

"You did not make it easy on me. Every time you passed I wanted to snatch you away and just make love to you on that table in front of those insipid girls. I was ready to throttle Anastasia when she called you fat. You my darling are not fat but curvy and I happen to love your curves." I pulled away and started to walk. I called out behind me

"That is not how you are supposed to talk to a friend!" I was blushing so hard my cheeks were on fire. He jogged to catch up to me and he put out his arm. 

"Well then can I at least escort my friend to the market on this glorious morning? I don't wish any harm to befall on her."

"Yes you may." I took his arm and we walked. He started to chuckle.

"What is it?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"It is nothing. It is just that I have strong feelings for a woman I barely know. I find it funny that is all." I could not believe my ears. He had the same worries I did.

"I am the same." He looked at me with surprise on his face and then his lopsided grin dawn on his face. "Let us rectify that. Ask me anything. Anything you want to know." My mind drew a blank.

"Umm? Your favorite color?"

"Green. Next Question."

"Favorite food?"

"Peaches. Next"

"Uhh? Favorite animal?"

 "Dogs. Why are you asking such questions? Most girls would have asked me how big is your castle or how rich are you?" I immediately responded

"because I want to know you not your title."  He looked a little taken aback by my answer.

"Well let me ask you the same questions you asked me."

"My favorite color would be blue not just any old blue but a sky blue. And my favorite food would have to be pumpkins. And my favorite animal dogs also." He contemplated my answers

"why pumpkins? They taste pretty awful."

 "When I was little I went into the garden and saw this great big orange thing. Living on the streets of Arabella I had no idea what a pumpkin was. So being a child I decided that I would try it. I rolled the great thing into the kitchen and took out on of Pierre's knives and cut a bit of it off. The taste was awful but then Helga came in and saw what I was doing so she asked Pierre to make a pie out of the pumpkin I had brought in. When it was done I was scared to take a bite but Angela coaxed me into eating a piece and I loved it so I ate pumpkin with everything after that till I grew sick of it. Even if I can't stand the taste of pumpkin anymore it is still my favorite food because it holds so many happy memories."

 He never once spoke through my entire story but now he asked "Wow, I just like Peaches because they taste good I don't have a memory like that about food."

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