Chapter 7

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Tomorrow came and I set off towards the market. I contemplated how I would ask him to meet Ella. I reached the city about mid-morning and realized Arman had not told me where he would meet me. I walked to the market with my mind fuzzy with all of the things I had to say to Arman I did not notice a cloaked figure come up next to me. 

"How are you this fine morning ma'am?" I turned to address the cloaked figure when I jumped in recognition.

"Arman?" The cloaked figure pulled me into an alley way where no one was.  He pulled off his hood and there stood Arman with spectacles and in peasants clothing.

"Yes it's me! I liked this disguise." I smiled at his child like nature. I pulled the hood back up and took his arm.

"Let us go then."I said with a small smile. We walked though the stalls. Arman exclaimed at each of new things the merchants were selling and telling me new things about the places he had been. It was after noon when we reached the food market. I walked over to the stall I usually went to.

"Hello, Phillip " I smiled at him. Throughout the years Philip had grown into a tall lanky young man. He was not as tall Arman but he was still a good head taller than me.

"Oh Fanny, how are ya today Chickadee?' He had a suggestive smile on his face.

Phillip would always joke with me but I felt Arman tense up.

"Good, how about giving me my order and be on with your cheeky self." He mimed being shot in the heart

"OH you kill me with your remarks. I shall die of Fannyness!" I giggled

"what is Fannyness?"

"Oh it is being hopelessly devoted to you." I shook my head

"Go on and fill my order before I spread more of my disease.

"My Fanny, once you have got it. You can't ever be rid of it." He dramatically stumbled into the back. I smiled.

"You were flirting." I faced Arman, whose eyes were trained on the backroom door, with a frown on his face.

"I was not!" I exclaimed. He faced me his eyes filled with anger and a hint of sadness.

"Yes you were!" his voice hushed and covered in steel. I looked at him in disbelief.

"I do not like Phillip that way. He is like a brother to me."

 "But he likes you and you're stringing him along" I was about to reply when Phillip came back with my grocery filled basket.

"Well my love our time has been short but I must bid you a due. But not until you pay me." I grabbed my coin purse and paid Phillip.

"Till next time my Dear Fanny." He then turned to Arman

"What can I get you?" In clipped tones Arman replied

"Nothing." I looked at Arman and scoffed.

"I am sorry Phillip the gentleman is with me. He is a trainee. Still a little wet behind the ears if you know what I mean." Phillip looked at me and then at Arman

"Why don't you take the bags from the lady? A fragile young thing like her should not hold such heavy things." I gasped at the venom Phillip said this with. Arman snatched the basket from my hands and put it in one of his. They looked as though they wanted to throttle each other. I pulled Arman's arm and pulled him away. I yelled over my shoulder

"Bye, Phillip!" I walked Arman out of the food market as soon as possible and we ended up in a square with a big fountain in the middle. In the corner of the square was a group of musicians and young children dancing to their merry tune. Arman was still tense in anger over our conversation with Phillip. I took the basket out of his hands and set it by the fountain and took his hand.

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