Chapter 8

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The next few days went by in a tizzy. Phillip and I got ready to leave as the whole town was in disarray for the Royal wedding. I wanted to hear nothing about Arman and Ella so I spent most of my time at Master Davis's house. Philip and I got a caravan to take on our journey and the time for our departure came. I packed the last of my meager belongings and put them in the back of the caravan.

"Fanny, why don't you get in and rest while I hitch up the horses?"

I nodded and climbed in and laid down on the makeshift bed meant for me to lie down when Little Arman became too much trouble. Philip finished his work quickly and started down the road.  I fell asleep quickly to the rocking of the caravan. I awoke to a commotion outside the caravan. I then realized we had stopped.

"Phillip why have we stopped" I asked

I lifted the flap of the caravan and saw Philip arguing with some one.  "You cannot see her. She doesn't want to see you. Haven't you caused her enough pain?" Philip's voice rang out.

"Don't talk to me about pain boy." Arman! I recognized that voice and then I saw him look at me. I looked for anyway to escape but in vain.

 "Stop!" Philip screamed, but Arman pushed his way through him. I stepped out of the caravan and stood my ground. I had to be brave he was someone else's. He looked me up and down and saw me covering my belly.

"So it is true." He said in harsh clipped tones.

"What are you doing here, Your Highness you have no business here."He got angry at my rebuff.

"I don't have business here do I. Well what is that?" he pointed to my belly.

"What do mean." He walked over to me in a few strides and grabbed my arms. He lifted me up so my face was level in his.

 "WHO IS THE FATHER FANNY AND DON'T LIE TO ME!!!???" he yelled at me.

"Who is it?" I started to cry. Philip grabbed his hand and tried to pull him off me.

"Stop can't you see that you are hurting her." He let me go. And I crumpled to the ground. Philip quickly shielded me. I pushed him away and I stood up and faced Arman

"WHAT BUSINESS IS THAT OF YOURS!!!!!!!?????" I yelled at him back tears running down my face. He looked livid.

"Isn't it your Honeymoon and instead of you going to you wife you come down here and yelling at me you should be in the palace making love to your wife." He got even madder.

"Tell me who the Father is?" he said in a deathly cold voice.

"He is mine" I said. He broke down. Tears were running down his face and he fell to his knees. I gasped

 "Fanny for my sanity, please I need to know."

"Arman what good would it do? I would ruin your marriage and I would hurt Ella. I don't want Ella to become like your mother. I know you are the kind of man that would never hurt a woman that way."

"Please you already broke any possibility of me ever falling in love again. I need to know if I have something that binds me to you in some way." I could never refused him. I knelt down and took his head in my hands.

"Arman, I can't be apart of your life but I took a little of yours. The child is yours. " I said through my tears. He kissed me and I kissed him back but I soon broke the kiss.

"Arman I can't I am a married women and you are a married man."

 "Fanny, that is enough!" Philip interjected. I had not forgotten that he was there.

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