Chapter 6

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It was two weeks until I heard from Arman again. I was clearing out Master Davis's books on to the lawn when a horse carrying Fredric came into view.

"Your Lordship what brings you to the house?" I asked still working.

"I came in request of a friend if you know who I mean." 

"Oh!" I walked back into the study and he followed in pursuit.

"Yes, my friend has been very distressed these couple of weeks and he wished to see you." My heart pounded in my chest but I continued to show indifference.

"What does your friend wish to see me for? He made his intentions very clearly the last time I saw him." Fredric was glancing over my shoulder and was very skittish while I was talking "What is the matter with you?"

"I just don't wish to see your mistresses at this very moment." And if on cue "Fanny!" Drusilla's shriek echoed in the house.


"Oh to hell with all of this." And Fredric picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. "Oof, you certainly are heavy." I started to kick

"Let me down this instant!" He subdued my legs and headed to his horse. He slung me on my stomach over the horse like a sack of potatoes and quickly mounted.

 "Let me off this horse this instant!" He rode with no reservations for me and headed toward the vegetable garden where he saw Helga working the garden.

"Matron I will borrow your maid for a while. Make sure your lady of the house does not find out can you do that for me?" Helga though very surprised by Fredric nodded. He then rode swiftly back down the road. I could not kick or scream afraid I would spook the horse but I tried to get out of his hold

"Stop squirming so much I might drop you." When we had reached the same spot Arman and I had picked apples I saw him in his regular riding suit pacing in front of his horse. When he saw us he glared at Fredric furiously.

"Fredric, what have you done? I told you to ask her to meet me not kidnap her!" We stopped in front of Arman and Fredric dismounted and walked over to Arman.

"Well your lady would not cooperate so I had to take matters in my own hands." Arman helped me off the horse and I created some distance between us using my hands. Arman looked heartbroken when I did it but I had to remain in control. I walked over to Fredric and slapped him.

"That is for kidnapping me, Prince or not!" I harrumphed and started to walk away while they both had very startled expressions on their faces. Arman snapped out of it first and snatched my hand.

 "Don't go I have something to say." I could not face him

"I don't want to hear it. I have to go before people start to worry." He walked in front of me and lifted my face to look at his but I still refused to look at him.

"I am sorry! So sorry. I was angry and I did not like how you used that word." I finally looked at him with as much anger I could muster

"You got mad due to fact I used the word friend because that is what we are friends!" I screamed at him. He looked so hurt because of my words but he had done the same when he left. I struggled to pull my hand out of his.

"Let go!" when he didn't I just started the way towards home but his hand would not let go.

"Please! Don't go!" he said in a weak strained voice. His eyes pleading. It was then that I knew that my heart was no longer my own.

"Don't." I said with a sigh.

"Don't what?" he looked confused.

"Look at me like that."

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